Remember the one about 'you ain't black'

It was one of the few times that then-candidate Joe Biden got out of the basement during the campaign.  He said to Charlamagne tha God during a radio interview: "If you have a problem figuring out whether you're for me or Trump, then you ain't black."  Maybe Charlamagne should revisit that comment because it has not worked so well for black Americans.  Calling on Charlamagne for a follow-up question.

The Biden economy is turning out to be a disaster for many of the people who voted for him, especially black Americans.  This is from the New York Post:

February's jobs report showed that US black unemployment, at 6.9%, is significantly higher than the overall 4% rate. Some areas are as bad as New York: In late 2021, black unemployment in Washington, DC stood at 15.4% vs. 8.1% overall. In Illinois, it was 13.3% vs. 7.4%. In California, 12% vs 7.2%.

Part of the issue: Blacks tend to be overrepresented in "frontline" industries (i.e., where work has to be in-person), and their wages tend to be lower. So blue-state policies that punish retail businesses and keep kids at home are going to do blacks disproportionate harm. NYC, for example, faces a 400,000-plus job deficit post-pandemic, with some 82% of those in face-to-face industries. 

Another cause: Bidenomics, the big-spending, inflation-driving disaster of an economic policy that the White House has been all-in on since the inauguration. 

Yes, it's been a disaster, as it always is when inflation hits any community.

The Biden administration believes that promising to fill a Supreme Court vacancy with a black woman will address this economic problem or prove that he cares about their situation.  It won't, because the Supreme Court does not deal with gasoline prices or government spending, the two causes of the current economic crisis.

So if you voted for Biden, you are black, according to him, but not doing very well according to reality.

PS: You can listen to my podcasts (Canto Talk).

Image: Picryl.

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