The Putin-Hitler parallel

Today, we are watching history repeat itself.

Adolf Hitler came to power in 1933 and immediately set about building a German state according to his wishes.  This meant starting to implement his foreign policy.  Each development moved the world closer to war.

Putin, from day one in power, has had as his goal the re-establishment of the USSR.

One of Hitler’s first acts in the step to war was to leave the League of Nations and increase the production of weapons and recruitment of soldiers.  Other nations did not stop Hitler in his actions.

Last week in the U.N., Russia was allowed the privilege to exercise its right to veto the condemnation of its actions.  Other nations did not stop Putin in his actions.

In 1934, Hitler attempted to unite Austria and Germany in an Anschluss but was ultimately stopped after pressure from Italy.

With Putin, it is Donetsk and Luhansk.

After several years of rearmament, Hitler held a rearmament rally at which he announced that in 1936, conscription would be introduced in Germany, which would increase the size of the German Army.  Later in 1936, Hitler remilitarized the Rhineland but was cautious and instructed his forces to stop if they were challenged by France.

Biden pusillanimously threatened "sanctions."

In 1937, the Spanish Civil War started, and Hitler used this as an opportunity to test out Germany’s military might.  Hitler sent the Luftwaffe to bomb areas of Spain to test out the Blitzkrieg tactic.  This was done with great success.

Putin is doing this in Syria.

The following year in 1938, Hitler attempted Anschluss again with Austria and this time was successful.  Shortly afterward, Hitler demanded and was successful in gaining the German-speaking Sudetenland area of Czechoslovakia.  This was followed by the full invasion of Czechoslovakia in 1939.  Hitler invaded Poland on the 1st of September 1939, and it was at this point that Britain and France declared war on Germany.

Using Donetsk and Luhansk as justification to cross the border, Putin has initiated a full invasion of Ukraine unopposed except by Ukrainian resistance...and is today on his way to Kyiv.

Image: RV1864 via Flickr, CC BY-NC-ND 2.0.

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