Hanging 81 high in Saudi Arabia

While much of the world is coping with the fallout from the Russian-Ukrainian almost-war, inflation, ever-increasing energy prices, supply chain issues, more crime, and now you have, now you don't WuFlu coronavirus, oil-rich U.S. supplier Saudi Arabia announced Saturday that it had executed 81 people in one day on a variety of terrorism-related offences, exceeding the total number of executions in the kingdom  the whole of last year.

All had been "found guilty of committing multiple heinous crimes," the official Saudi Press Agency reported, saying they included convicts linked to the Islamic State group, or to al-Qaeda, Yemen's Houthi rebel forces, or "other terrorist organisations."

They had been plotting attacks on vital economic sites, or had targeted or had killed members of the security forces, or had smuggled weapons into the country, the SPA added. 

Saturday's announcement marks the kingdom's highest number of recorded executions in one day, and more than the total of 69 executions in all of 2021.

Incidentally, I couldn't find any reference to this on the SPA site, but it could just be me.  But all is okay because they were tried in Saudi courts with judges.

Other than that — and a few other unique Saudi laws restricting diversity such as restrictions of other religions, it might be an...um...interesting place to visit.  Might be.  

Then again, maybe not.

Image: Piqsels.

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