Helping Ukraine is a moral imperative

The moral imperative of our time is to assist the courageous Ukrainians in every way possible in their valiant struggle for freedom from tyranny.

The obvious parallel is in our obligation to help others, particularly if they are attacked by criminals. Take one incident from the news:

On Oct. 16, 2021, a woman was raped while on a train in Pennsylvania. The other passengers did not intervene to stop the crime. A police officer is reported to have said: "There were a lot of people, in my opinion, that should have intervened." He continued: "Somebody should have done something, it speaks to where we are in society, who would allow something like that to take place?" Good question.

There was a moral imperative for the bystanders to intervene and stop the crime. It could have been your wife, your daughter, your sister. Would you not wish for someone to intervene to save your wife or daughter or sister in such a situation?

Fast forward to March 2022 and the events that are currently unfolding before us in Ukraine. These evils are millions of times greater in volume than the awful event in Pennsylvania.

A peaceful sovereign country that posed absolutely no threat to its neighbor, was viciously attacked.

Thousands are being slaughtered in Ukraine as we watch on our screens. Cities are being flattened just like Berlin had been in 1945.

A pregnant mother and her baby were mortally injured and died of their wounds a maternity hospital was bombed, to name just one tragic case. Millions are subjected to unimaginable misery. They could be your wife, your daughter, your sister. Would you not wish for someone to intervene to help your wife, daughter, sister? Is there not a moral imperative to the bystanders to intervene to stop this? If the bystanders on the Pennsylvania train should have intervened in October 2021 how much more should those who have the power to stop this bloodshed in Ukraine in 2022, do so?

God and history will harshly judge such inaction.

Recall again the reported statement of the Pennsylvanian police officer :

"There were a lot of people, in my opinion, that should have intervened," He continued: "Somebody should have done something, it speaks to where we are in society, who would allow something like that to take place?"

The Ukrainians wish to live in freedom, not under the domination of the Russian dictator and his corrupt ruling class. They currently lord it over the Russian people, who face 15 years in a dank prison for merely calling the “special operation” a war.

The Ukrainians are fighting a noble battle. There cannot be a more clear-cut example of a just war. The Ukrainians deserve every help possible.

O.K., you want to keep our boots off the ground. Putin’s ambitions go beyond Ukraine, and he may eventually force the West to get engaged militarily. What did the Roman general say—"if you want peace, prepare for war?”

Putin is a wicked corrupt bully who gets his way by means of threats, intimidation, and violence. He has a long track record of this. However, his forces have so far been licked by a courageous but much smaller and unprepared Ukraine army. Russia now needs men of character and determination to stop Putin. Sadly, such men are in short supply these days, except in Ukraine.

Donald Salt is a pen name.

Image: Screen shot from NBC News video, via YouTube

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