How to tell if you are a woman

Supreme Court nominee Ketanji Brown Jackson could not define the word "woman" while under questioning recently from Sen. Marsha Blackburn (R-Tenn.).  This led Blackburn to quote the late Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg's majority opinion in U.S. v. Virginia: "Supposed inherent differences are no longer accepted as a ground for race or national origin classifications.  Physical differences, between men and women, however, are enduring.  The two sexes are not fungible.  A community made up exclusively of one sex is different from a community composed of both."  After reciting this, Blackburn asked Jackson, "Do you agree with Justice Ginsburg that there are physical differences between men and women that are enduring?"

Jackson — clearly struggling with this eternal puzzler — replied: "Um, senator, respectfully, I am not familiar with that particular quote or case, so it's hard for me to comment."

Blackburn then asked Jackson, "Can you provide a definition for the word 'woman'?"

To this, Jackson responded, "Can I provide a definition?  No.  I can't."

Blackburn: "You can't?"

Jackson: "Not in this context.  I'm not a biologist."

This is as if Jackson had been asked if she could provide a definition for the word "tractor" and answered: "No.  I'm not a farmer."  Or if she had been queried, "Can you give us a definition for the word 'pants'?" and replied: "No.  I'm not in the apparel industry."

Worse, actually, because Jackson is a woman.   This, as President Biden himself stated, is one of the two main reasons why she was nominated.

In the interest of comity and clarity, I hereby offer several clues that you are likely a woman:

*You possess breasts and a vagina

*You urinate while sitting down

*You have given birth

*You like to shop at Target

*You watch the Hallmark Channel frequently

*You have been hit on by Bill Clinton

*You know the difference between écru and beige

*You often use the term "patriarchy"

Just kidding about a couple of those, ladies.  But seriously, as I've often stated, if we get to the point where we can no longer determine what a man or a woman is, we are not long for this world.

Rather than face that conclusion, we should return to Genesis: "Male and female He created them."

That we can no longer recognize this first — and most basic — of all facts does not render it less true.

Image via Libreshot.

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