Kids need not be parrots

Our nation's educational system, from kindergarten through university level, is teaching the youth of America the intellectual equivalent of a total junk-food diet.  Whether it's the 1619 project, Critical Race Theory, multiple gender nonsense, or a long list of ill conceived curricula, we have overseen our nation's youth becoming the intellectual version of the disgraced Bill Cosby character Fat Albert.  Educators should be teaching our kids how to think, not what to think.  They are, in fact, often being taught not to think at all.  They are instructed to parrot the talking points of the educational intelligentsia.

When Republicans (hopefully) win back both houses of Congress this fall, education reform must be at the top of their agenda.  It is unconscionable that school choice and vouchers are not available for every American student.  The nonsense voiced by teachers' unions such as the American Federation of Teachers insisting that choice and vouchers would destroy the public education system must be recognized for the self-serving tripe that it is.  The teachers' unions have long been recognized as mainly a jobs program for teachers, providing employment and benefits for those individuals, with minimal thought given to the students.  If parents could use vouchers to pursue their kids' education in private or alternate schools, public schools would have only themselves to blame if they lost favor.  They would have to improve their product or cease to exist.

The only reason our children receive any suitable instruction is because of the many quality educators who do have the kids' best interest at heart.  Let's see to it that those highly motivated teachers have the opportunity to work in schools that truly want to educate our kids.  Wasting our children's and their teachers' time with nonsensical, politically correct garbage must end.  It will take multiple generations to undo the damage done by progressive and union-driven education.  If we wish to one day be proud of what we are intellectually, we must start as soon as possible.  Our youth will become what they are taught.  If we want parrots, we can go to the pet store.

Image: Pixabay.

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