Let them eat cake: How government works today

Don't you get tired of trying to piece together "what just happened?" when it comes to the governments of the world, including our own?  I do.

What should be straightforward relationships between the people and their leaders have become multidimensional puzzles reeking of greed and cleverly disguised tyranny.  And ourselves?  We are the pawns kept in the dark.

I sit here and watch the people of Ukraine and Russia, valuable lives reduced to corpses at the hands of their governments.  The only people not in the dark about "why" are those giving the orders.  Everyone else can only speculate, pray, and in some cases survive.

As we look on, I can't help but think "government" as we know it needs to be abolished, across the board.  Because it has become thoroughly clear that "nothing of what they do is about us anymore!"  And if this is the case, then what good are they to us?  I ask this question further fueled by the absurdity of our House of Representatives giving themselves a 21% raise while so many in the United States can barely make ends meet due to out-of-control inflation.  How fair is that?  They just elected to dig deeper into our pockets for themselves while we, the people, suffer.  "Let them eat cake" is sounding more familiar by the day.  It is the biggest slap in the face along with all the others.  And as sure as we continue to allow this unprincipled behavior, it will just grow in familiarity, boldness, and frequency.  The evidence is all around us...and isn't limited to one country.  The corruption and agenda run deep in nearly every government across the world. 

We need to hit the reset button on these masked monarchies we now have and begin again with organizations that actually have the best interest of the people at heart.  As we watch Ukraine and Russia at war, I can hardly imagine what it would take to right the governments we have.  The system is just too far gone to even begin to understand how to fix it.  That is our war truly, the people's war.

We definitely need a global reset, all right, but not the Klaus Schwab, George Soros, Bill Gates kind —  rather, the one originally intended, "For the People, by the People."  Until then, we will continue to be pawns kept in the dark  —  the only light falling we see appearing when we get our own turn at being the Ukrainian and Russian people.

Laura J. Wellington is a former teacher, an award-winning author as well as children's television creator, TEDx Speaker, and the founder of THREAD MB.  She began her career in technology.  

Image: Jacques-Auguste Pajou.

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