Pray for Justice Thomas!

The Supreme Court's public information office notified the public Sunday night that Justice Clarence Thomas was hospitalized Friday evening "after experiencing flu-like symptoms."  According to spokeswoman Patricia McCabe, Justice Thomas does not have COVID-19 or any coronavirus-related illness.  He is being treated with intravenous antibiotics at Sibley Memorial Hospital in Washington.

"His symptoms are abating, he is resting comfortably, and he expects to be released from the hospital in a day or two," according to the statement.

CNN adds, with a bit of snark:

Thomas' hospitalization comes as the justices, all of whom are vaccinated and boosted against Covid-19, are expected to take the bench Monday morning for arguments. Thomas will not participate remotely in oral arguments over the telephone Monday, according to the Supreme Court spokesperson. After years of near total silence from the bench, Thomas now regularly asks the first questions at oral arguments.

I urge all readers who pray to include Justice Thomas and his wife Ginni Thomas in your prayers.  He is an indispensable force on the Court, its leading intellectual voice.  The Republic needs him.

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