The left's aggressive assault on American values continues apace

Few Americans can possibly be unaware of the radical left's campaign to destroy the traditional values that shaped this country for at least 150 years.  These activists loathe this nation as founded and have long sought to erode every cultural standard of morality and decency that made this country the beacon of liberty on the planet.

They began attacking all things even vaguely religious decades ago and have successfully eroded church membership to the lowest point in our history.  Judeo-Christian values were an impediment to their agenda.  Black Lives Matter, for example, has made no secret of its goal to destroy the nuclear family.

For nearly fifty years, the left has worked diligently to take over our universities and now has its grip on K–12 education.  Students of all ages are now carefully taught to hate America, to hate all law enforcement, to believe all sorts of nonsense such as that one's gender identity can be chosen rather than be determined in the womb.  That anyone takes this particular bit of insanity seriously should be shocking, but it is now de rigueur for the properly woke.

Students are taught that man-made climate change will bring about the end of the world.  That is one of their biggest hoaxes.  As masses of people around the world bought into the manufactured fear of a virus sold to us by a cabal of sinister operatives — Klaus Schwab of the WEF, the detestable Anthony Fauci, everyone at the WHO, the FDA and the CDC, and the Biden administration — the country has tipped over a cliff and is falling into an abyss only Huxley and Orwell could have imagined.

Elementary schools are actively pushing kids into gender and sexual confusion at ages far too young for them to grasp the meaning of this diabolical scheme.  The left does not believe in parental rights with regard to sexual issues or curriculum.  Thus, the DOJ has designated as terrorists parents who disagree with that extreme position.

Critical Race Theory, which the majority of parents oppose, is teaching racism; children are being taught to judge others first and foremost by the color of their skin.  If white, they are taught they are guilty of the crimes of their ancestors.  If black or brown, they are taught they can never succeed because of white privilege.  MLK has been canceled.  CRT is the most injurious thing to happen in education since segregation was ignominiously imposed on the children of the South.

Then there is the tenet that all police are racists and must be defunded.  Much of this is due to the long-term efforts of George Soros, the aging Nazi collaborator whose mission seems to be to destroy not only the U.S. but all of Western civilization.  For decades, he has used his billions to undermine all that was good about America.

"It is a sort of disease when you consider yourself some kind of god, the creator of everything, but I feel comfortable about it now since I began to live it out."

—George Soros, 1993, The Independent (h/t Mark Wauck)

He has many partners and acolytes, like Klaus Schwab and his WEF.  Graduates of his Young Leaders Program over the decades are doing the WEF's dirty work around the world.  Graduates include Justin Trudeau, Jacinda Ardern of N.Z., Pete Buttigieg, Nikki Haley, Chelsea Clinton, Paul Krugman, Bill Gates, and many other names you may recognize.  Check out the list.  What do they all have in common in the recent past?  They are almost all proponents of the Great Reset, a one-world government run by them.  They are also mostly virulently pro-vaccine for COVID.  They have actively denounced the now obvious fact that the virus was man-made and they ignore the fact that tens of thousands of people have been killed by the jabs; they are still pushing them.  Not one of them seems to support the primacy of the individual or medical freedom.  They are cultists who, as a group, oppose even freedom of speech. 

These globalists are enemies of the American people, of people all around the world whom they deem expendable, deplorable.  Those who believe that the vaccines are part of a malign plan are dismissed as conspiracy nuts, but the mortality rate of people ages 25–44 has risen by 84%!  They may not be crazy.  Something is very, very rotten in Denmark, as Shakespeare's Marcellus of Hamlet observed.  Not only is the Soros-left actively undermining what is left of the West's morality, but it may well be actively using both the bio-weapon COVID virus and the vaccines to reduce the world's population.  Sounds like bad science fiction, but the vaccines are causing death and injuries around the world.  Calling Bill Gates, the self-appointed vaccine guru.  We are living in interesting and dangerous times.

The self-identified elites and those masters of social media have inordinate and undeserved power over us all — enough to shutter small businesses throughout the nation and command us to be jabbed with an experimental bit of gene therapy.  They desperately want to abrogate our Second Amendment and have essentially expunged our First Amendment.  They mean to interdict countless freedoms we have long taken for granted.  They are betrayers of the promise of America: "that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness."

The other thing about those self-identified elites?  They are wholly unqualified for the jobs they fought so hard to get and to keep.  The worst of them have used their positions of power to enrich themselves, the Clintons, Pelosis, and Bidens being the most egregious examples of American oligarchs.  Those families are as corrupt as any of the Russian oligarchs currently being eviscerated by our duplicitous media, and everyone, the political class, the financial class, and the media, knows it.  They knew it when they protected the Clintons and participated in the rigged election to defeat President Trump.

The most important thing to know about what is happening to America, this assault on everything Americans once held dear, is that these power elites are a distinct minority.  They speak loudly and carry big sticks.  They are thugs.  Who can watch Biden, Pelosi, or Schumer without being reminded of high school bullies?  They threaten, and they attempt to cajole, and they are still thugs.

When a Bloomberg column advises us peons who make under $300K a year to "take the bus, eat lentils," we all see that they are bullies, bullies with no connection to the reality most Americans live.  They have only disdain for the working people who keep this country functioning.

It has been wisely suggested that female swimmers refuse to swim against males!  This kind of rebellion should have occurred the first time a male was allowed to compete against women.  Wouldn't it be interesting if the working people we all rely upon — our plumbers, electricians, carpenters, etc. — would refuse to work for Pelosi, Schumer, McConnell, and the rest of the swells that so easily discard their concerns?  Inflation is killing them, and the left loves it, wants more of it.  The higher gas prices are, the happier they are.

And now a woman is about to be confirmed to the SCOTUS whose record proves that she, like all of the attorneys general and district attorneys backed by Soros, favors criminals over victims.  After two days of questioning, of that there can be no doubt.  She is especially partial to those charged with owning and distributing child pornography.  Why she would be willing to put such people back on the streets is anyone's guess, but it seems particularly sick to most Americans.

Is it any wonder that violent crime is on the rise across the country?  It's part of their plan, begun under Obama, interrupted by President Trump, and under the pitiful Biden back on track. to take the United States down.  Print money to create massive inflation.  Abandon Afghanistan to the Taliban.  Give Iran billions of dollars and its bomb.  Foolishly go for regime change in Russia.

Alexis de Tocqueville wrote: "All those who seek to destroy the liberties of a democratic nation ought to know that war is surest and shortest means to accomplish it."  So now, war is on the docket.  A war six thousand miles away with no real national security interests for America is dominating the administration's attention and media while our own southern border is wide open to all comers, millions of them.  Some of them are refugees from Ukraine!

They know a thing or two about authoritarianism.  But there are more of us than there are of them, our American globalists.  We need to step up and fight back.  Now.

Photo credit: Niccolo CarantiCC BY-SA 4.0 license.

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