Will the real Beto stand up?

According to the last 11 polls, Governor Greg Abbott leads former representative Beto O'Rourke by 8.8 points.

So what do you do when you've been struggling around 40% in the polls?  Maybe you break with your party on CRT or refine your position on taking people's AR-15s away?

A few days ago, Mr. O'Rourke said this about CRT:

When asked by a member of the audience if he thought the indoctrination scheme should be taught in schools, O'Rourke broke with many in his own party, replying, "No, I don't think it should be taught in our schools, yeah."

Beto said CRT is for law schools and not for kids, or something like that.

It's a risky move because it won't persuade his critics but may turn off his followers.  Beto needs a strong turnout, and it won't help when they are reminded of these flip-flops.  As you can hear, the reaction at his campaign stop was one of anger.

O'Rourke is running in a totally different political environment.  Simply put, 2022 is not 2018.  Governor Greg Abbott is not Senator Ted Cruz.

Lately, his attacks against Governor Abbott have become a bit bizarre and desperate.  This is from the Texas Tribune:

Beto O'Rourke, the Democratic nominee for Texas governor, called the Republican incumbent, Greg Abbott, "a thug" and an "authoritarian" on Saturday and compared Texas energy executives to Russian oligarchs in a blistering critique that presages an election that is about eight months away.

Sounds a little desperate?  Yes, he does.  The 2018 Beto was more of a charmer, calling on all Texas to come together.  The 2022 version has a mean streak, and we have not reached St. Patrick's Day yet.

PS: Click for my videos and podcasts at Canto Talk.

Image: Gage Skidmore.

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