A new gladiatorial sport: School board meetings

Ms. Danielle Green introduced a new low of outrageous conduct by school administrators at a recent Flint School District Board meeting.

She launched an attack in her position as president when her idea of adding schools to the nearly insolvent district was flatly rejected by Treasurer Laura McIntyre.  While Ms. McIntyre was attempting to offer a fiscal overview, Ms. Green proceeded to grab her by the throat and use her head as a battering ram against a tabletop.

McIntyre alleges that the altercation "escalated out of nothing and very quickly it was an attack."  The treasurer called for an emergency meeting, saying the assault "will not be tolerated and we are taking action."  The president was voted off the board in a unanimous vote: 6 to 0.

Egregious conduct is nothing new at school board meetings, but now the public is witnessing new trends in the degeneration of our educational system.  The depths of Green's behavior ushers in a "new face" of politics whereby even budgetary constraints finds its way onto the pile of "racist" accusations.

In case the real issue escaped witnesses, Green's boyfriend, Arthur Woodson, alleged that the treasurer "always goes after someone black."  The color line between the two board members is clear in photos making the rounds in the media: Green is black, and McIntyre, sporting two black eyes, identifies as "queer and proud" and obviously Caucasian.

Peering through this color lens fails to factor in the state of insolvency looming over the public school system in Flint, MI.  Woodson says the suggestion from his girlfriend, now the former president, was "just looking out for the kids."  But he didn't address the more than $50 million of cumulative debt facing the district from 2011 to 2018, according to the Center for Local Government Finance and Policy Michigan State University Extension.

Woodson wanted to add for the record that McIntyre first pointed a finger in the president's face.  This has been flatly denied by the treasurer.

This fallout is one more sordid chapter in what's taking place at school board meetings across the country.  Acrimony hangs in the air, and parents are disgusted with the ever-eroding state of education.

Shouting matches might as well be a part of the official school agenda — given the frequency with which they surface.  Parents no longer accept being denounced as "racists" and insist on their turn at the microphone.

One particular outtake from a recent school board meeting demonstrates the intensity of the exchanges and the issues at stake.

"Why don't you leave your Asian privilege at the door?" commented a board member to a parent at a Fairfax County School board meeting.  Asian parents — in large number — claimed they would no longer remain silent over the dismantling of "merit-based" admission standards at the most coveted high school for rigorous academic training: Thomas Jefferson High School for Science and Technology.

"You're the new face of racism," retorted a parent, "but we are standing up for our children."  Traditionally, the school had retained a "race-blind" and "merit-based" admissions process.  One board member attempted to put a glossy veneer on the board's decision to eliminate the crucial three academic entrance exams.  Changing the guidelines wasn't about "eliminating merit," argued the board member, "but rather reframing our understanding of merit."

A federal judge rejected this line of logic: he decided in favor of parents with academically advanced children ruling "Fairfax County school board's race-based admission process ... illegally discriminated against Asian American students."

The days of boring school board meetings appear to be a thing of the past.  Parents cannot be expected to go away quietly, no matter how vitriolic the circumstances become.

Lowering standards in the name of "equity" is one controversial issue, but the real fireworks revolve around the LGBTQ agenda of introducing children to sexual identity, starting in kindergarten, and indoctrinating white children to the concept of their "privilege."

Parents no longer tolerate schools forgetting the mandate to teach their children academic subjects in favor of teaching that  "little Johnny" may actually be "little Jenny."

This perverse degradation in the school system led Gov. Ron DeSantis (R-Fla.) to sign the Parental Rights Education Act, placing a ban on discussing sexual matters with children in grades kindergarten through third grade.

Gov. DeSantis earned his place in the pantheon of Hollywood put-downs in a "comic delivery" at the Academy Awards — worthy of what one has come to expect from the ceremony.

Comedian Wanda Sykes and two other celebrities joined the giggle-fest in repeating the words "gay-gay-gay" to oppose the manufactured label given the legislation: "The don't say gay bill."

If the Hollywood celebrities bothered to read the bill, they would discover the word "gay" isn't mentioned.  They might come to realize the nation's children deserve to be protected against sexualizing them at such a young age, and introducing them to concepts parents find abhorrent including children being able to choose their "gender identity."

Image: New York Public Library.

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