Disney just can’t seem to quit grooming kids

Disney is doubling down on using its vast entertainment empire to promote the LGBTQ++ lifestyle. The latest offering, Better Nate Than Ever, is a “family” movie about a 13-year-old boy who takes Broadway by storm. It’s also an openly pro-LGBTQ++ tween movie.

It’s been apparent for a while that Disney has strayed from Walt Disney’s vision of a traditional family-friendly product and has become, instead, an entity dedicated to advocating for the LGBTQ++ cohort. You can see the trajectory in (a) the increasingly open same-sex love LeFou has for Gaston in Beauty and the Beast (in the animated version, it was hero worship; in the 2017 life-action movie, it was open), (b) the lesbian cop in Onward, (c) the fish who’s also a boy in Luca, a story that all sentient people understand as a metaphor for so-called transgenderism, and (d) Disney’s Muppet Babies pushing cross-dressing. Meanwhile, Disney has also actively courted the LGBTQ++ crowd at its theme parks.

With Florida’s Parent Rights in Education bill, the Disney corporation gave up any pretense of creating products to give children straightforward entertainment tied to traditional cultural norms. Instead, it made clear that its preferred customer base is the LGBTQ++ crowd, including those in that crowd who want to encourage as many children as possible to contemplate an LGBTQ++ lifestyle. (There’s a reason that, while leftists call the bill the “Don’t Say Gay Act,” conservatives call it the “Anti-Grooming Bill.”)

And lest you have any questions about where Disney’s loyalties lie, just read the statement the company issued regarding the bill. As you’ve surely noticed, there’s not a word in it about the group that’s supposed to be Disney’s key customer demographic: children.

For those who are bewildered by that sea of words, let me remind you that the Anti-Grooming Bill simply says that sexuality should not be a part of the curriculum for grades K-3 (or five-year-olds through eight-year-olds). The reason such a bill is necessary is that a long time ago (that is, more than 15 years ago), before the dozens of alphabet soup identities were added to the LGB roster, homosexual activists promised that, if the bans against open homosexuals teaching were lifted, there was no risk that they’d start recruiting children. The current generation of LGBTQQIP2SAA activists doesn’t feel bound by that promise.

But back to Disney. On Friday, Disney released Better Nate Than Ever, which is billed as a “family” movie based upon a popular book that Tim Federle wrote about his early devotion to Broadway musicals. The plot is the usual complicated filler but the main storyline is that 13-year-old Nate Foster and his best friend run away to New York so he can audition for a musical version of Disney’s Lilo & Stitch. After comedic adventures, everybody realizes that Nate isn’t weird, he’s amazing.

Image: Disney's Bob Chapek, who has bowed to the LGBTQIA+++ left.  YouTube screen grab.

The reviews tell you what’s really going on in this “family-friendly” movie. As the reviewer in the video below says, despite the way the LGBTQ demographic is integral to Disney, both creatively and as a fan base, Disney was shy about coming out (so to speak) but now, “wow, they are making up for lost time in terms of LGBT storytelling and they are doing it fast – and one shining example is Better Nate Than Ever....”

Nell Minow, who writes for RogerEbert.com, one of the most popular movie review sites, acknowledges that Disney is involved in “conflicts over the best way to educate children about gender and sexual orientation...” She’s therefore pleased that Better Nate Than Ever presents “the issues...with clarity and grace....” Parents, of course, think Disney shouldn’t be presenting them at all.

MovieNation’s review, after complaining that Disney hasn’t been proactive enough about putting LGBTQ issues before kids, understands that Better Nate is a pro-gay movie, one that would be better if someone actually used the word “gay”—but of course, for Disney, not saying gay is the point, so naïve parents don’t know what their kids are watching.

The Mercury News also understands what’s going on: “Disney+ celebrates the beauty of representation and differences with this peppy, sometimes tuneful mood-elevating adaptation of Tim Federle’s LGBTQ+-ready YA novel.” And Variety lauds the films because “It’s LGBT-positive in terms of representation....”

Parents do not support Disney’s deep dive into this minority lifestyle. That’s not because of homophobia. It’s because parents know that, no matter how much societal support there is for LGBTQ++ people, that lifestyle comes complete with higher incidences of substance abuse, partner abuse, sexually transmitted diseases, depression, and suicide, all things no sane parents want for their kids.

The marketplace needs to take Disney to task to stop this madness. A good start is to cancel the Disney theme park vacation and Disney+ streaming cable and to put the kibosh on Disney movies. However, if you want to make an impression on this massive company, you also need to cut the following companies out of your life: ABC, ESPN, Touchstone Pictures, Marvel, Lucasfilm, A&E (50% holding with the Hearst Corp.), The History Channel (ditto), Lifetime (ditto), Pixar, Hollywood Records, Vice Media, and Core Publishing.

Don’t worry about making the cut, though. Your life will be leaner, more affordable, and infinitely saner without those Disney products.

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