He's a real nowhere man...

Former president Obama visited the White House Tuesday. 

I think that it had something to do with Obamacare.  The Obama-Biden team was together again, but not really.  It was actually quite sad to see how the people present moved to Obama and left Biden reminding us of that Beatles' tune about the "nowhere man sitting in his nowhere land."

NPR went out of its way to show us the definition of a happy family:

Former President Barack Obama visited the White House Tuesday afternoon, marking the first time he's returned since leaving office five years ago.

Obama's return was pegged to an event marking the 12th anniversary of the Affordable Care Act, a signature legislative achievement under his administration. At the event, President Biden unveiled expansions to that law.

The visit comes as Biden faces the lowest approval rating of his presidency and months of low popularity and disapproval linked to his handling of the ongoing war in Ukraine.

"It is good to be back in the White House," Obama said at the event with Biden and Vice President Harris. "Nothing made me prouder than providing better health care and more protections to millions of people across this country. So when President Biden said he was not going to just celebrate the ACA but announce actions that would make it even better, I had to show up."

Well, isn't that sweet?  Happy #12 to the health care that no one can afford.

Speaking of Obamacare, our pal Beto O'Rourke is making health care a big issue in Texas.  He continues to say one out of five Texans lacks health insurance. 

So what happened to Obamacare?  Wasn't the objective of Obamacare to provide affordable health care for all?  According to Mr. O'Rourke, 1 of 5 Texans did not get that memo or couldn't find the website.

Back to President Biden.  It is really sad to watch him walking around and looking for a friend.  Maybe the people in the room just read the news:

"There is building concern of a potential slowdown in the consumer — as geopolitical events, rising inflation and rising [interest] rates are already impacting consumer sentiment," Wells Fargo analyst Ike Boruchow wrote in a note.

It's sad on a personal level.  Worse than that, it sends our adversaries a clear message that nobody cares about him.  At times like this, presidents need a dog, but I think the Biden dogs are in Delaware.  He could have used one yesterday.

PS: Click for my videos and podcasts at Canto Talk.

Image: Screen shot from CNN video via YouTube.

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