The most common mistake in politics

Rule one in politics: never believe your own BS.  Spin away, but do not pretend what you want to be true is the same as what is true.  Data do not lie.  Democrats seem intent on pretending otherwise in 2022.

Democrats are being told that their problem is not one of actual performance or actual results.  The problem, they say, is simply doing a poor job in communicating their tremendous and successful record.  Americans have formed their opinions lacking the information on all that has happened since Joe Biden became president and Democrats gained control of both chambers of Congress.

Democrats tell themselves that passing the stimulus bill, the infrastructure bill, confirming the first African-American to the Supreme Court, creating new jobs, and overseeing what they see as good management of the COVID pandemic all deserve the applause of the voters.

Hillary Clinton, Barack Obama, and many other leading Democrats have given full embrace to making the problem one of messaging, while highlighting their own need to remain in the limelight.  Some go so far as to argue that the voters are just plain stupid.  Washington Post writer Jennifer Rubin recently penned a column titled "What's a White House to Do about Clueless Voters?"

Another adage in campaign politics is that persuasion begins with meeting the voters where they are in the conversation.  Just where are they in this conversation?  According to poll after poll, voters are in no mood to be told their perceptions that things are not good are simply a matter of them not being smart enough to see how good we have it.

To put it bluntly, except for the most loyal of Democrats, voters overwhelmingly are making it abundantly clear that they believe that Joe Biden and the Democrats are doing a bad job, are not focused on what they should be, and spend too much time talking to themselves.

About 70 percent of Americans believe that the country is headed in the wrong direction.  On issue after issue, voters disapprove of the record and policies of President Biden and the Democrats.  The claim that the economy should be a plus for Democrats goes head on against Americans' anger at spiraling inflation in general and energy prices in particular.  Voters reject the idea that it is hateful to oppose two million illegal aliens entering the country in a year and, without being experts, do not understand why the administration would do anything to increase the flood by putting an end to Title 42 at the end of May.

Voters remember they were told that if we simply put Joe Biden in the White House, tensions would ease worldwide.  Then they watched the total disaster of the departure from Afghanistan and now cringe as the Russians under Putin invade Ukraine.  Meanwhile, the president, who was supposed to be so steeped in foreign policy, makes utterance after utterance requiring the administration to backpedal.

Those living in urban communities have watched as crime, especially violent crime, has surged to new record levels in 2022, after the tremendous increases witnessed in 2021.  The lectures from 2020 about how all of this is the result of systemic racism have given way to a widespread call for more police and getting tough again on crime.

Ronald Reagan once famously said: "The trouble with our liberal friends is not that they are ignorant; it's just they know so much that isn't so."  The Democrats cannot get out of their own way.  Hardly a day passes where the liberal position does not underscore how isolated they are from most other Americans in their thinking, living inside the comfort of their own echo chamber.

Fortunately for Republicans — and I serve as executive director for a national Republican organization — there is little to suggest that Democrats will change their approach.  The Unholy Trinity (mainstream media, academia, and the world of entertainment), plus Big Tech, continue to insist that Democrats stick to their guns.  All I can say is good luck with that.

Jessica Curtis is the executive director of GOPAC, a national Republican organization dedicated to educating and electing a new generation of Republican leaders.

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