The Washington Post is trying to dox Libs of Tik Tok

Libs of Tik Tok is one of the most important sites on the internet.  Day after day, her account showcases the Democrat base in its own words — and it never reflects well on the party.  That's undoubtedly why the WaPo's Taylor Lorenz, who was on the news a few weeks ago weeping about the pain of being exposed on the internet, is set to dox the woman behind Libs of Tik Tok, putting her in terrible danger.

Every conservative site has shared posts from Libs of Tik Tok's account.  So that you can get an idea of what she's doing to expose the moral corruption that is modern American leftism, here are a few samples of the hundreds (even thousands?) of videos she's posted:

You can see why Democrats are desperate to shut her down.  Twitter has twice removed her posting privileges in April only — but has also reinstated them twice because Twitter had no basis whatsoever for doing so.  Libs of Tik Tok, after all, is just putting up materials that Democrats proudly put up themselves.  So now, Democrats are going to Plan B to silence Libs of Tik Tok.  Yesterday, Christina Pushaw, who is Governor Ron DeSantis's press secretary, received this message from Taylor Lorenz, of the WaPo:

If Lorenz's name is familiar to you, it's because she was recently on television weeping about the incredible pain of being doxed:

Indeed, Lorenz put in writing her feelings about the horrors of exposing people to the mob:

Of course, Lorenz is just a flunky acting on orders.  In her case, the orders come from Christina Passariello:

Given the truly insane people Libs of Tik Tok exposes to the world — all of whom are providing the ideas driving the Democrat party — Libs of Tik Tok isn't merely at risk of insults.  These are the same kind of people who spent months in Portland in 2020 attacking federal buildings, who tried to slaughter the entire Republican House membership, who've repeatedly tried to kill Sen. Rand Paul, and who regularly fill the pages of the Daily Mail and the New York Post with stories about their bizarre and dangerous antics.

For that reason, Libs of Tik Tok has had to go into hiding:

It's entirely possible that, if the WaPo goes ahead with its plan to expose Libs of Tik Tok, she will find herself in the same situation as people like Salman Rushdie; Ayaan Hirsi Ali; and the editor of the Jyllands-Posten, in Denmark, who had to go into hiding after publishing Mohamed cartoons.  She will need armed guards indefinitely, perhaps forever, to protect her from the leftist mob.  One can only hope, therefore, that Libs of Tik Tok sues the Washington Post into complete penury for its decision deliberately to put her life at risk and force her to incur extraordinary expense if she wishes to stay alive.

Image: Libs of Tik Tok meme.

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