A tale of two trials

For the last few weeks, the nation's capital and the immediate area have been the site of two high-profile trials — although you've probably heard of only one.  The first is a civil trial between two Hollywood celebrities intent on destroying each other and garnering hyper-obsession from the media, with endless coverage.

The second is a criminal trial, where a corrupt attorney intentionally lied to the corrupt FBI, on behalf of corrupt Hillary Clinton, all because she wanted to be president.  Instead of campaigning on issues and ignoring her record of corruption like every good Establishment politician, Hillary and the DNC opted for the concoction of lies to destroy their political opponent.  They paid a foreign national, Christopher Steele, over $10 million to create the Russian hoax, laundering money through a law firm and other accomplices.  Then they committed fraud by lying to the Federal Election Commission, claiming the millions were for legal fees.

The last thing Hillary, the Democrats, and the lawyers cared about, was a fair election.  Willing accomplices at the Justice Department knowingly committed perjury, lying on the stand in the FISA court, resulting in illegally obtained warrants to spy on associates of Trump.  The last thing on the minds of these "Justice" officials was a free and fair election — they wanted power for Democrats.  They didn't give a damn how corrupt their chosen candidate was and how many crimes she committed.  Why would anyone believe the Justice Department would be fair to us, the general public, if they are so willing to destroy anyone with whom they disagree on policy?  The government officials in the Swamp sure didn't care about a free and fair election.

If a country valued investigative journalism and objectivity, a criminal trial with so many conspicuous figures would receive a lot of attention from the media — but most people masquerading as journalists have a huge problem.  They are willing to lie about Trump, to destroy him in the court of public opinion.  The media were complicit.  The last thing mainstream pundits cared about in 2016, 2020, and every other election cycle is the sacred institution of the American Republic and its voting system.  They simply want power for leftists.  They know big government policies are highly unpopular, so they do anything they can to destroy Republicans.  Facts haven't mattered for decades.

Unsurprisingly, the newest round of a Clinton scandal received barely any attention.

The actions of Hillary, the DNC, and people within the Obama-Biden administration dwarfed Watergate, and most of the media don't care.

The media continue to bury the truth about the massive corruption of the entire Biden family because they don't care and don't want the public to know the truth.  Can anyone imagine how low Biden's poll numbers are in reality?

It is no wonder so few people respect or trust the media.  Their actions and words deserve disrespect.  They are American political propaganda, which intentionally spread disinformation while they seek to silence anyone who disagrees.

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