All lives really do matter

The media and politicians are seeking to place illegitimate guilt on conservatives and Republicans for the heinous crime in Buffalo, New York, rather than on a mentally disturbed, hate-ridden, self-claimed leftist man.  By contrast, when an attempted mass murder recently occurred in Laguna Woods, California, the media and politicians blamed no one but the suspect.  And around Christmas last year, the media and politicians barely addressed either the race or racism of the subject in another attempted mass murder.  With several multi-racial mass murders and attempted mass murders happening within a half year time span, it's obvious that some politicians and most media focus only on one case in order to prioritize blaming racism — specifically, white supremacy and, falsely, conservatives and Republicans.  Fair and equal treatment is astoundingly and remarkably absent.

Let's consider those most affected by the heinous acts in Buffalo and Laguna Woods.  In Buffalo, we saw clear racial hatred, which is both heinous and absolute evil.  Justice — genuine justice — should be as swift as possible.  Our hearts go out to all the Black families enduring unfathomable loss.

Can we take time to dig a bit deeper into our national psyche to arrive at a truly fair and sensitive response to what has transpired recently?  Most of us believe that "Black lives matter."  For ten Black lives to be viciously snuffed out due only to their skin color is both tragic and evil.  Yes, it's important for all to believe that their lives matter.

Here is a basic summary of what transpired: thirteen were shot.  Ten Blacks were murdered.  Two Whites and one Black were badly wounded and barely missed dying.  Both Blacks and Whites suffered vicious attacks.  Both Black and White families are experiencing excruciating pain and grief.  People of two races, not just one — though one suffered the most — are grievously affected.

Image: Multiracial hands by fabrlkasimf.

Besides those grieving people, a shooting spree occurred in a Presbyterian church shared with a Taiwanese church in Laguna Woods, California.  The shooter, a Chinese immigrant man born in Taiwan to a Chinese family forced out of Mainland China, hates Taiwanese Chinese and sought to kill as many Taiwanese Christians as possible in that church.  He was welcomed in when he arrived.  The result was one killed and five wounded.  It could have been worse.

Like the grieving Black and White families, grieving Taiwanese have seen a vicious murder, and of the five wounded, four remain in critical condition.  Chinese Taiwanese families suffer great loss, excruciating pain, and grief.

And let's not forget what transpired in Waukesha, Wisconsin in November 2021, when a Black supremacist targeted White people, killing six and injuring 62.  Once again, there are grieving families; this time, they are white.

Looking at these tragedies spanning races, can we, dare we, may we, finally respond with "All Lives Matter"?  Hate crimes leave behind victims of all races.  Perpetrators of all races commit hate crimes.  Hate crimes grievously and sadly affect people of all races.  True justice demands both rationality and objectivity.  Those two important traits reveal just how racially universal hatred and hate crimes really are.  If politicians and the media fail to recognize this fact, it's up to America's diverse citizenry to recognize it and remind them, too.

America is not solely Black and White.  It is a beautiful technicolor array of citizens.  And all those multi-colored citizens' lives matter.  It's time to abandon a false image of America and care about all races, including bi-racial and multi-racial citizens.  They deserve as much focus as anyone else.

The politicians and media promoting a single false narrative solely and projecting blame on non-guilty parties perform a grave disservice.  America isn't basically racist, but racists do exist.  In the span of six months, we've seen that they represent many races — not just one.  It's time to demand fair and equal treatment for all such hate crimes.

What should be our most sensitive reaction and response to these crimes?  The best thing for a moral, decent, and sensitive nation is for all of us to unite as decent men and women around all of them, praying and supporting them.  All lives really do matter.

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