Let's see how much Joe Biden really cares about dead children

"To lose a child is like having a piece of your soul ripped away," Joe Biden declared following last week's Texas school massacre.

So how does one explain the callousness he displayed as vice president toward slaughtered children?

During his trip to Israel and the Palestinian Authority in 2010, Biden snubbed Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu by arriving 90 minutes late for dinner.  The reason: Israel's announcement of the planned construction of 1,600 housing units in east Jerusalem.  Though Israel said it was a routine announcement, and despite the interior minister's profuse apology for "the distress caused" by it, what allegedly offended Obama's and Biden's sensibilities was the timing.

What the mainstream media ignored, but Arlene Kushner reported here, was that Biden's meeting with Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas on the same trip was timed to coincide with the PA's celebration of the 1978 Coastal Road massacre.  Female terrorist Dalal Mughrabi led the killings, most of them in a bus ambush, that took the lives of 13 Israeli children and 25 adults and wounded 71.

The P.A.'s celebration of the mass murder was a multi-day event.

On March 9, the secretary-general of the presidency Tayeb Abd Al-Rahim praised Mughrabi and other terrorists who "turned their blood into a bridge over which we pass on the way to our freedom, independence and national liberation from the burden of the occupation," Palestinian Media Watch reported.

On March 10, Biden met with Abbas in Ramallah and complained to him about the Israeli government's insensitivity.  A United Press International story headlined "Biden, Abbas Take Aim at Israel Decision" reported that Biden told Abbas that Israel's insultingly timed announcement of home-building in its capital could "inflame tensions or prejudice the outcome" of peace talks.

On March 11, the Palestinian Authority named a square after Mughrabi.  A large banner was held up that read: "On the anniversary of the Coastal Road Operation we renew our commitment and our oath that we uphold the charge and that we will not stray from the path of the shahids."

Jewish "settlements" in east Jerusalem grew into an even greater obsession of Obama and Biden during their second term.  Shortly before leaving office, Biden helped facilitate the notorious anti-Israel U.N. Resolution 2334 by pressuring Ukraine to vote against Israel.  The resolution, passed five years before Biden essentially opened the U.S. border to all foreigners entering illegally, characterized hundreds of thousands of Jews living in their indigenous homeland as illegal residents.  The Obama-Biden "parting shot" at the Jewish state topped the Simon Wiesenthal Center's list of "2016 Top Ten Worst Global Anti-Semitic/Anti-Israel Incidents."

The vote they helped facilitate was a vote for Islamic supremacy, a return to the 1949–1967 status quo when Jordan, having stolen east Jerusalem during the Arabs' 1948 war of attempted genocide, ethnically cleansed all Jews and destroyed all synagogues.

The false allegation that Israelis are illegally occupying their own indigenous homeland has long been the primary igniter of  Palestinian terrorist attacks, including the Coastal Road massacre.  Of no apparent concern to Biden were the following slaughtered Israelis:

Revital (Tali) Aharonovitch (14)
Naomi Elichai (18)
Erez Alfred (5)
Yitzhak Alfred (44)
Galit Ankwa (2)
Yitzhak (Yitzik) Ankwa (10)
Haviv Ankwa (38)
Mathilda (Mathy) Askenazy-Daniel (68)
Yehuda Basterman (32)
Rina Bushkenitch (34)
Dov Bushkenitch (36)
Liat Gal-On (6)
Shim'aon Glotman (43)
Amnon Drori (43)
Naama Hadani (5)
Ilan Hohman(3)
Roi Hohman (6)
Rebecca Hohman (28)
Moechai (Moti) Zit (9)
Josef Kheloani (66)
Malka Leibovitch-Wiess (58)
Tzyona Lozia-Cohen (32)
Abraham Lozia (37)
Otari Mansurov (37)
Yoav (Yoavi) Meshkel (6)
Tuvia Rozner (53)
Gail Rubin (40)
Meir Segal (73)
Katy (Rina) Sosensky (49)
Joseph Sosensky (56)
Zvi (Zvika) Eshet (46)
Omry Tel-Oren (14)

As the worst terrorist attack in Israeli history, the Coastal Road massacre is, therefore, the most glorified by the P.A.  Biden's presence on the occasion of the celebration, following his highly publicized snub of Israel, gave heightened visibility and legitimacy to a culture of hate-crime murder that, unlike apartment-building in Jerusalem, did not seem to be regarded as an obstacle to peace by him or Obama.

Image via Max Pixel.

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