Pro-abortion zealots plan to hit Catholic Masses today

For twenty years, I've been an usher at our Catholic parish.  It's been a fun job, from watching babies grow up and go to college to realizing that people generally like sitting in the same place to keeping the doors closed to manage our air-conditioning costs.

Well, politics has met "ushering."  It looks as though churches may be next for the pro-abortion protests.  By the way, I never say "pro-choice" because the millions aborted since 1973 never got to choose anything.

This is the story going around about the protests:

A group known as "Ruth Sent Us," which has a TikTok account with more than 20,000 followers, initially posted a video of a group of women wearing costumes inspired by Margaret Atwood's "The Handmaids Tale" walking into what appears to be the front of a Catholic Church during Mass.

"For 2,000 years the Catholic Church has been an institution for the enslavement of women," one of the protesters can be heard saying in the video, which calls for protests between May 8 and May 14.

Other activist groups including "Rise Up 4 Abortion Rights," "Pro Choice with Heart," "Strike for Choice" and others are calling for protests between May 8 and May 15. 

Well, at least we know their intentions and what they think of Catholic women on Mother's Day.

Will someone ask President Biden about these groups targeting his church?  Will a reporter ask about the Catholic Church enslaving women?  Is the first lady a slave to her Catholic husband, for example?  I'm also interested in the reaction from Hispanics, since most of them go to Catholic churches, and the women are generally devout.

I will tell you in a future post if any of them got near our church.  My guess is that they will hit the downtown churches closer to the TV station studios.  This is a publicity stunt, after all.

Nevertheless, we've just entered the insanity zone.  Let's hope that no one gets hurt.

PS: Click for my videos and podcasts at Canto Talk.

Image: Lorie Shaull via Flickr, CC BY 2.0.

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