The diversity conundrum

Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) continues to expand at a rapid rate through our universities, boardrooms, places of business, and now elementary education.  It has become essential that we officially diagnose DEI and lay out in specific detail what these terms actually encompass, and what the ultimate goal is of those who seek to inflict this new norm on our children and society at large.

First, to paraphrase James Lindsay, anyone who occupies a DEI position, or favors such policy measures, equates DEI with the "golden rule": treat others how you would want to be treated.  They hold that DEI offers a welcoming, loving, and nurturing environment for everyone to thrive.

How could anyone disagree with such noble intentions?  To be fair, there are presumably a handful of teachers and administrators who truly do believe that DEI and the golden rule are indistinguishable.  But this is not the true intention of DEI.

It is worth beginning by addressing equity.  Equity, a repackaging of socialism, is in fact the ultimate goal of DEI implementation, while diversity and inclusion are the means by which to accomplish this goal.

Equity seeks to eradicate the fundamental American abstraction of equality under the law.  Such an approach seeks to ascertain where disparate outcomes occur, and then synthetically "correct" them through preferential hiring, the elimination of standardized tests that reveal racial disparities, and even open discrimination against other groups.

As fanatical supporters of equity would argue, due to past or current systems of prejudice and injustice, certain groups are owed privileges in order to ameliorate the imbalance.  When it comes to equity, the idea of "class" never enters into the discussion.  Equity is discussed only along racial or cultural lines.

Let us not forget: equity is also chiefly concerned with positions of influence that are able to re-engineer the structures of society.  Equity is intended to cure these perceived power dynamics, which are said to be solely responsible for all disparities within society. 

In its simplest form, "diversity" means having many different types, or, as it is often used today, including people within a group organization who are of different races, "genders," cultures, etc.  That is your standard definition of diversity.  However, diversity is held to apply only to those viewed as having "authentic voices."  Diversity is chiefly concerned with political ideology, making appearance secondary.

Representative Ms. Ayanna Pressley (D-Mass.), once said the quiet part out loud: "we don't need any more brown faces that don't want to be a brown voice.  We don't need black faces that don't want to be a black voice."  When Larry Elder ran for governor of California, the L.A. Times referred to him as "The Black Face of White Supremacy."

In February 2022, when the Republican-led Georgia State House and Senate passed a measure to construct a monument in honor of Justice Clarence Thomas, one African-American Democrat lawmaker told the Atlanta Journal-Constitution, "I'd rather them keep a Confederate monument than a statue of Clarence Thomas."  Diversity today is judged by having the "right" political ideology based on identity classifications.

Inclusion is the notion that an organization or system is welcoming to new populations and/or identities.  Simple enough.

However, a DEI agent would define inclusion as creating a welcoming environment for classes of individuals considered marginalized, which would entail the exclusion of anything unwelcoming to that specific group.  An example of this would be "safe spaces," where only individuals of color are welcomed.  This would be a way of escaping "whiteness."  Safe spaces exclude whiteness; thus, they are considered inclusive for minorities. 

Inclusion has become a justification for censorship.  In order to be inclusive, you must silence ideas, symbols, people, and qualities that would make others feel excluded.  Examples include, but are not limited to, Make American Great Again (MAGA) hats, conservative speakers, capitalism, and meritocracy.  Lindsay would describe this as a "purge."

When you are told your child's school, or place of business, is hiring a DEI official, it is really emplacing a political indoctrination officer and progressive Marxist ideology.  It is a power-grab, and the end goal is always the same: totalitarianism.

J.B. Cohle is a graduate student.

Image: Pixabay.

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