We need more guns to stop mass shootings

In the wake of the horrific shooting in Uvalde, Texas, last week, the national debate naturally shifted to how we can prevent such massacres from happening again.

Predictably, Democrats responded that we need more gun control.  To call them a one-trick pony would be insulting to one-trick ponies.

Republicans favor hardening the security of schools and proactive measures to meet the needs of the mentally ill in our society.  It seems to me that those are sensible ideas, but a more immediate solution is necessary to reverse the alarming trend of mass shootings.

The Founders understood that to preserve individual liberty and life, it was essential that citizens have the right to arm themselves.  That's why we have the Second Amendment.  That's why any talk about restricting the ability of law-abiding citizens to purchase firearms should be rejected.

If we want to stop these mass shootings from occurring, then we need more people carrying guns, not fewer.

To all the progressives out there, stop laughing hysterically and try thinking rationally for once in your life.  Consider the heroism of a West Virginia woman who shot and killed a would-be mass shooter the very next day after the tragedy in Uvalde.

According to foxnews.com, a man with an AR-15 began shooting at a crowd attending a graduation party last Wednesday, just one day after the shooting in Texas.  But why did this atrocious act not result in multiple fatalities?  Because an unidentified woman attending the party pulled out her pistol and mortally shot the man.  Miraculously, none of the dozens of guests attending the party were injured.

Here are some salient facts from the article to support my premise:

  • The man, 37-year-old Dennis Butler, was a convicted felon and illegally possessed the weapon.  How's that gun control working for you?
  • The woman saved countless lives by her quick and decisive action, including potentially the lives of law enforcement officers who would have otherwise had to confront the suspect.
  • The shooter was a career criminal who had multiple convictions.  Clearly, the system failed to remove a dangerous predator from our streets.

We cannot depend exclusively on law enforcement and our criminal justice system to protect the public.  As freedom-loving citizens, we must lawfully assume some responsibility to preserve public safety.

Because of the bravery of this woman, there were no innocent victims, no frantic 911 calls, no survivors anxiously waiting for the police to arrive, and no grieving loved ones seeking answers.

This woman is a hero.  We need more heroes like her.  We need more citizens carrying guns.  We need people on the scene who are prepared to immediately engage a shooter and stop him.

To defeat the use of force by evildoers, it must be met with greater force by those on the good side.

Image: Fibonacci Blue.

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