As we've all been distracted...

It's easy to get distracted; America is apocalyptic.  These United States teeter on the brink of unmitigated financial ruin, food shortages continue to escalate, and energy experts predict that this first-world country might experience rolling blackouts.  It's also June, the month-long bombardment of homosexual and transgender politics.  In the midst of all of that, many of us may have missed an acutely consequential SCOTUS decision — Egbert v. Boule.

The case stems from a 2014 altercation involving innkeeper Robert Boule and Border Patrol agent Erik Egbert. With an inn situated on the American side of the Canadian border, Boule was an occasional informant, tipping off law enforcement to illegal aliens.  A recent article details the accusations:

The defendant, a CBP agent named Erik Egbert, allegedly walked onto Boule's property without a warrant to investigate a guest. When Boule refused consent to a search, Egbert allegedly lifted him up, threw him against an SUV, then violently threw him to the ground, inflicting serious injuries.

Border Patrol declined to discipline Egbert, and Boule sued — eventually winding up at the Supreme Court.

In a 6-3 decision, the SCOTUS advanced tyranny, granting broad impunity to Border Patrol agents who violate God-given rights protected by the Fourth Amendment.  One El Paso–based journalist said this:

The Supreme Courth's recent Egbert v. Boule decision is a Pandora's box that the American borderland will now have to face as 20,000 Border Patrol agents have now been granted an immunity never before seen.

Justice Thomas delivered the majority opinion of the Court, favoring federal tyranny.  Also according to the Slate article:

Because the incident occurred so close to Canada, it has "implications" for "national security" and "border security"; as a result, greenlighting Boule's lawsuit would constitute a "judicial intrusion" into "Congress' policymaking role."

Peculiarly, Sotomayor was one of the three dissenters.  In her opinion, she wrote:

Absent intervention by Congress, CBP agents are now absolutely immunized from liability in any Bivens action for damages, no matter how egregious the misconduct or resultant injury. ...

This is no hypothetical: Certain CBP agents can exercise broad authority to make warrantless arrests and search vehicles up to 100 miles away from the border.

I've long enjoyed jokes at Sotomayor's expense, and although it pains me to my core to say this, I actually agree with her.

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