Fighting Russia down to the last Ukrainian

All of the weapons our government is sending to Ukraine will not change the outcome of the war.  But they will prolong it, and in so doing turn hundreds of Ukrainian women into widows every single day.  So while young men in America play Call of Duty on their iPads, young men in Ukraine are being conscripted off the street and sent off to die in Donbas.  They say it's a proxy war against Russia that our leaders in Washington are willing to fight down to the last Ukrainian.  The goal, says secretary of defense Lloyd Austin, is to weaken Russia.  How's that working out so far?  Gas is $3.41 a gallon in Russia.

Meanwhile, Ukrainian children in Donetsk born after 2014 have known nothing but war their entire lives.  They live in basements and are accustomed to the sound of bombs exploding almost every day.  As Petro Poroshenko, the Nazi-loving former president of Ukraine, warned the people of Donbas, "our children will be going to school, while yours will be living in cellars."

In a previous post, a reader commented that he was bored with all the talk about the Ukraine war.  And I totally get that there are plenty of problems right here at home that our government should be focusing on, instead of sending tens of billions of hard-earned tax dollars to one of the most corrupt countries in Europe.  But I humbly beg my fellow Americans to take 30 minutes of your time to see what the Ukrainian people who live in Donetsk have been experiencing, not just for the past 100 days, but the past eight years.

Patrick Lancaster is a former U.S. Navy veteran currently working as an independent photojournalist reporting from the ground in war zones like Mariupol and Donetsk.  Here is just one of hundreds of his videos. 

YouTube screen grab.

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