Joe Biden at the summit: One embarassment after another

Joe Biden has repeatedly embarrassed himself at head-of-state summits, as we noticed in Europe — everything from "long and loud" farts for the British royals to getting lost at the buffet table.  Staff can't seem to keep him out of them, though.

That brings us to his series of bumblings at the Summit of the Americas, a major gathering of Western Hemisphere leaders that this year was hosted by the U.S. in Los Angeles.

Start with the organizing of it. 

 According to Nick Arama at RedState, the heads of state didn't get their invitations to the event until very shortly before it was to start.  By some reports, that was two weeks' notice.  That's Not Done with heads of state in the real world, given the huge planning each delegation requires.  A banana republic in a woebegone region might try it, or perhaps the late unlamented Venezuelan dictator Hugo Chávez, who did everything on the fly (Vlad Putin used to hate this behavior, with Hugo popping into Moscow on short notice).  This time, though, it was Joe, representing the standard-bearer U.S.

Naturally, that left quite a few with their noses out of joint, and U.S. officials had to beg, beg, the leaders of Argentina and Brazil to please come and clap.  They got what they wanted only when White House officials promised them bilateral meetings with Joe later on.  Watch Joe betray that particular promise.

Worse was the absence of Mexico's president on claimed objections to not every leader getting an invitation to the event (the crummy ones such as Venezuela and Cuba were left out), and the leaders of three Central American countries known for shipping tens of thousands of illegals to the U.S. as a record migrant caravan bears down on the U.S. border.

As Arama notes:  

As we've already noted, it hasn't been going well. Biden stumbled up the stairs as he was boarding Air Force One for Los Angeles. Then, Biden was met by a protester rushing the motorcade who had to be subdued. Meanwhile, a lot of the countries didn't show up because of the poor way that the Biden team dealt with the event. While objecting to the human rights violations of Cuba, Nicaragua, and Venezuela is a good thing and we should encourage that, how weak is it if we're giving the Northern Triangle countries $1.9 billion and they can't even show up to the event in our country? 

Arama adds:

Well, when El Salvador — to whom we are giving a ton of money — wouldn't even take Secretary of State Antony Blinken's call and even the New York Times is writing about it, you know it's a debacle.

That's just the run-up, the preview.

It got worse when Joe Biden blew into Los Angeles.  He began with a word salad:

After that, he made another speech announcing a new "shared responsibility" on migration plan to be announced Friday.  He'll be talking to the hand on that one, as all of the leaders of the major shippers of illegals, such as Cuba, Nicaragua, Venezuela, El Salvador, Honduras, Guatemala, and Mexico won't be in the audience.  Smart diplomacy, Joe?

After that, he decided to get handsy with the president of Argentina's girlfriend.

According to USASupreme:

Biden's handlers thought that with Biden lost in space no one would notice his "predator" skills.

Biden pawed the girlfriend of President Fernandez from Argentina today.

Below is the strange moment in which Biden takes the hand of the girlfriend of Argentine President Alberto Fernández and does not let go. Then when she pulls her hand away he starts touching her again.

The non-shareable video follows from the piece, here.

It's pretty obvious his senility is on display, and no one is able to stop him.  Biden has recently been seen criticizing staff for not giving him "permission" to do things, and his acolytes' messaging to the media that it's time to "Let Biden be Biden."

Well, now that's happening.

What a colossal embarrassment. 

Image: Screen shot from CBS video via shareable YouTube.

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