Report cards and an academic judgment day

At this time of year, all over America, many students are sweating emails or snail mail reports of how they did in their last marking period in government schools.

I recall those sweats. For example, during my junior year in high school, I was not anxious for my parents to see my report card. I was “girl crazy” back then, and my report card showed how I was neglecting my academics.

Guess who else is sweating the report cards: American government schools do not want you to see their report card! Many will try to change the subject if you ask educators about how we compare educationally with other nations. If you dare ask such a question, you are touching nerves that don’t want to be touched. If you persist, however, you will see how poorly our nation competes with other developed countries. According to the last international review by PISA (Programme of International Student Achievement), America ranked 13th in Reading, 20th in Science, and 31st in Math compared with other developed nations.

Why do we do so poorly? Well, like most of us, educrats prefer some activities over others. They are highly motivated to groom and indoctrinate American students about matters relating to “wokeness.” Talk about diversity—they are there. Talk about Gay Pride Month—they are ready to go. They are all about changing our society. Championing social causes makes them feel relevant as if they are the tip of the sword in the Culture Wars.

Evidently, however, educators are tired of reading, writing, and arithmetic. That stuff is complex and tedious, and the PISA scores show they are not doing that well.

Image: Teacher (edited).

I am a retired public-school teacher. I could never comprehend where my supervisors were headed or see a vision aimed at making American public schools world-class. I spoke out when I could and wrote letters to the editor but I was a cog in a vast indoctrination machine hell-bent on radically transforming America.

American government schools are a monopoly, which means they do not face competition. Where is their incentive to improve? Students in government schools must compete with each other. Teachers must compete with each other for desirable openings. Teachers’ unions, however, work with school systems to resist reforms from parent groups and meddlesome politicians.

Who foots the bill for this underperforming monopoly we call government schools? We, the taxpayers! The educrats are entrenched in their monopolistic cubicles and they will resist change like a mustang horse resists saddle training.

If we are content with their ongoing indoctrination, they will gladly continue as before. If we want educators to work for us, we are in for a battle royale for our children and the future of the country we love. It is time for a grassroots national movement to radically improve what the educrats refuse to change. In terms of the human energy brought to bear on this issue, it will take dynamite, not firecrackers.

Ned Cosby’s new novel is OUTCRY, exposing the refusal of Christian leaders to discipline clergy who sexually abuse our young people. This work of fiction addresses crimes that are all too real. He has also written RECOLLECTIONS FROM MY FATHER’S HOUSE, tracing his own odyssey from 1954 to the present. For more info, visit

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