The baby is somebody

By framing the Supreme Court's Dobbs decision as attacking private choice or health care, the media remarkably keep the word "baby" at bay.  "Don't say 'baby,' baby."  Magazines and newspapers devote pages and pages of commentary evading "baby."

Reproduction involves two someones reproducing at least one new someone — a baby.  We purport (both sides do, to be fair) to believe that each somebody is important.  And yet people who read or watch what remains of the establishment media practically never hear an utterance about the baby.  The new somebody is ignored in totality.  The left's viewers will hear about an alleged "religious cultural war on women's rights," "destruction of reproductive health," and the like, without hearing a hint about the silent someone reproduced: the baby.

The journal that former president Obama previously edited has even called the increasingly prevalent attitude, and now issued Supreme Court decision, that abortion policy should be left to the people and their representatives, an attack on the provision that "No soldier ... shall be quartered" protected in the Third Amendment!  A forced housing of an army.  Not a reproduced American baby.

What disdain against the new person it must take either to ignore him or to perceive, disingenuously or not, that the baby is a federal soldier. 

Take offense — I think they've just mis-pronouned the baby as "Private Baby"!

This, though, is too somber to joke about.  Constitutionally, this country is established "to secure the Blessings of Liberty for ourselves and our Posterity."  The capitalization of "Blessings," "Liberty," and Posterity" are in the original text.  Let's go through the meaning that saturates this phrase in the Preamble. 

Each baby's Liberty to live is a Blessing.  The Founding Fathers knew well that preserving the Posterity of the people through babies and children has always been one of, if not the, central Blessings to nations.  This is true across location, time, and culture.  Without eons of careful attention to the Blessing of babies, none of the people would be preserved to have 

Liberty or Posterity to this day.

Now, some pregnancies are unplanned or, worse, violently initiated.  We need and — thankfully, due to the generosity of many churches and organizations — have support to help women and babies in crisis pregnancies.  The voices of people in trauma should be loud in society.  A scream for help at the trauma of violence or undesired life-altering pregnancy is natural.  It is, indeed, the role of civil society to provide aid, counseling, orphanage, etc.

As naturally as we should address trauma pregnancies, we should also, just as much, always keep our sights on the naturalness of sex's tie to reproduction, and this is a reason for the vow of marriage.  Sex, for marital renewal and procreation in the healthy container for welcoming children, is largely what gives us the Blessing of babies, the Liberty of families, and our Posterity.

So do say "baby." 

Compliment a neighbor, friend, or family member on the new baby.

Comment on how this Supreme Court decision is about the fact that babies' defenses are now in the hands of we the people and the States. 

That is momentous choice.  That is Liberty. 

That is the way that the nation's purpose "for ourselves and our Posterity" speaks to our babies as to our mature adults.  We are important enough "somebodies" that our Creator endowed us each with inalienable rights. 

Baby is, by far, important enough to mention.

Image via Pexels.

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