Dangerous disgruntled Democrats

Disgruntled Democrats, dangerous radicals, and loopy progressives are entitled to their views, but their thinking does not accord with that of mainstream Americans.  This is why they are dangerous.

Obama told us he wanted to transform America, and he laid the foundation for doing just that, and everything about our nation proceeded downhill.

For those who are called "deplorables," we believe in secure national borders and identification proof to vote.  We embrace everything possible to eliminate fraud in voting and protect citizens with functioning police departments that enforce laws.  We accept the Constitution as the greatest document devised by man and are willing to live by its dictates.  With respect to the Constitution, we also believe that Supreme Court justices should not do what the Legislature cannot.  We believe that parents raise children, not schoolteachers who hate our country, nor arrogant out-of-control school boards.

We also accept the fact that America is not perfect but has proven we have the ability to correct our errors in judgment.  We accept the fact that we are unlike most nations because the dictates of our Constitution allow us to change, and thus we are a work in progress.

We seek nothing of other nations and have proven we will come to the aid of those who are oppressed and endangered.

Americans are not a threat to the world, and that is why we are feared by the radicals and those who believe that people must be controlled by oppressive governments.  It is in man's nature to be free.

Neither do we claim that capitalism is perfect, but it has done more to allow man to be creative, to produce more wealth for more people than any other economic system.  We do not seek to enhance our livelihood by stealing the assets and creativity of others, as does China.

Speaking personally, this is why I want the current Democrat party to suffer an overwhelming defeat.  They have earned it with their backward thinking, their off-the-chart behavior and morally and intellectually corrupt practices.

For those who find nothing redeeming in America, I welcome them to leave and seek a better life elsewhere.  I no longer wish to tolerate their desire to remain here while destroying opportunities for those who love this country.  That they seek to retain power at any cost denies them the right to the privileges a free people deserve and have fought for with their lives.

I am fed up with the current imbecile who was elected to lead this great nation because his predecessor was a narcissist and boor.  Trump, for all his personal faults, was the right man at the right time and did what he promised, against great odds by those who did everything in their underhanded, illegal way to destroy him and impede his administration.  Trump, for all his blemishes, made significant progress and achieved things his predecessors sought but failed to do. 

No, Trump was not a politician.  In his own crazy way, he loves this country and believed that it was his elected duty to place our nation first, unlike most politicians, who seek only re-election so they can continue their narrow, self-interested objectives.

If there ever were a time to throw the rascals out, it is now.

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