Eric Swalwell claims the Democrats are the party of freedom

Eric Swalwell, the congenital liar and sucker in a Chinese honey pot scheme, believes we should vote for Democrats because they believe in freedom while Republicans don't.  In a tweet from July 8, Swalwell said:

What's the Democrat's message? I hear this all the time. Simple.

We are the party of freedom.

Freedom to make your own health care choices.

Freedom from your fear of gun violence.

Freedom to have your vote counted.

Our message is our values.

Freedom for all.

However, reality would tell a different story.  So let's see how well Swalwell's claim holds up to the lightest application of critical thought or fact.

Democrats have a free pass to challenge elections, as they did in 2004 and 2016.  Republicans do not have that right, even when the election fraud is proven.

Democrats believe in a top-down dictatorship, while Republicans believe in the Tenth Amendment and the Constitution guaranteeing state sovereignty.

Democrats can lie with impunity, as shown by Comey and McCabe, while any hint of suspected dishonesty from a Republican ought to land them behind bars. 

Democrats forced Americans to purchase health care plans under Obamacare, while Republicans believe in a free market.

Democrats believe that Russia, Saudi Arabia, Iran, and other countries should have the freedom to access natural energy resources, while Americans should be hogtied by the Green Agenda.

Democrats believe in the freedom afforded by energy independence, but only for everyone but Americans.  Republicans believe in energy independence for all. 

Democrats believe that Americans should be forced to participate in the "Green" revolution, while Republicans believe in the freedom of prosperity.

Democrats believe in compulsory experimental shots, while Republicans believe that everyone has the right to medical consent. 

Democrats believe in censorship, and Republicans believe in the First Amendment. 

Democrats believe that all states must provide abortion on demand (at the expense of the taxpayers), emulating China and North Korea.  Republicans believe in the Constitution, which relegates that decision to the state governments.

Democrats believe that males have a place in female sports.  Republicans believe in science and the freedom for women and girls to compete on a level playing field. 

Democrats believe in exposing young girls to pedophilic adult males, all under the umbrella of "inclusivity" and "trans visibility."  Republicans believe in a child's right to safety and privacy.

Democrats believe that children belong to the State.  Republicans believe that parents should have the freedom to determine school curricula.

Democrats fight to keep minority children trapped in failing public schools.  Republicans believe in the freedom of school choice. 

Democrats claim they stand against racism, but they embrace Planned Parenthood.  Republicans fought to abolish slavery and supported the Civil Rights movement. 

Democrats believe in forcing hardworking Americans to pay off debt they didn't incur.  Republicans believe in financial freedom.

Democrats encourage lawlessness, allowing sanctuary cities and states to pick and choose what laws they enforce.  Republicans believe in the rule of law and the freedom from criminality. 

Democrats advocate for a world where career criminals roam the streets to terrorize citizens.  Republicans promote the freedom to self-defense.

Democrats believe that people from all over the world have the right to violate our laws and invade our country.  Republicans believe in enforcing current immigration laws, while supporting legal, merit-based immigration.

It is an obvious choice which party promotes principles of liberty and freedom, and it's not the Democrats, as Swalwell proposes.  Either choose leadership who work toward total government control over all aspects of our lives, making more people dependent on the ever-expanding welfare state, or choose people who believe in true freedom and power for the people.

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