I can't get past the headlines

Opinion articles from the left:

"Biden is, actually, doing well"

Let's see, Afghanistan withdrawal, picking a needless and dangerous fight with Russia over Ukraine, pain at the pump, gross prices for groceries, immigration meltdown, and a Justice Department that threatens parents attending school board meetings while allowing terrorists to riot in front of the homes of certain Supreme Court justices.  Biden is, actually, doing hell.

"The Supreme Court Voids Religious Neutrality"

That is, if you have a prejudice against children being exposed to a little prayer and humility.  If the only state-sponsored field trip you're willing to cheer is to the local drag club, you're a hack and a fool.  Kids get exposed to all kinds of useless and damaging crap at the local state-sponsored school.  They get CRT, gay clubs, and transgender enticement classes.  The current government is anything but neutral when it comes to religions they accept with blind faith, sects like climate change and a whole month dedicated to false pride.  I don't want to hear your one-sided slant on what constitutes a religion; you wouldn't recognize one if it were banging around in your head all day.

"Hatpin Abortion"

This goes in the rat cage along with other tacit racist taunts like "Black people can't get IDs because they don't know how to use a computer or find a DMV in their neighborhood."  Pull the plug on Margaret Sanger's bigoted eugenics, and all of sudden, 21st-century American women will resort to coat hangers and ice picks.  That's not an argument; that's a rancid scare tactic wielded against people you think are stupid.  Think again, buddy.  How can we all move forward if you remain stuck in a silly caricature of the past?

"Trump in the Grip of Desperation"

I don't know — Trump doesn't seem desperate to me.  He's never been measured; he's like the crazy uncle who amuses you and yet remains honest and good at his job.  To his credit, he raises children who are not drug-addled laptop creeps.  His truth is a lot closer to target than those of the current administration, who insist that men can get pregnant while unable to define "woman."  Part of me doesn't want him to run because he drives the big mouths so crazy, and they are already hard enough to put up with day to day.  On the other hand, Democrats are always looking for a God who will lower the seas and produce hope and change and nationwide compliance with the new liberal world order.  I just want a decent administrator who keeps his nose out of my business.

I can't get past the headlines because I fear that stupid might be contagious.

Image: PxHere.

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