Lopez-Obrador strong, Joe weak

Over the years, I've learned that it's like the Super Bowl when a Mexican president goes to the White House.  The TV goes 24/7 south of the border, and the political pundits can't stop talking about the meeting.

On Tuesday, President Andrés López-Obrador (they call him AMLO) visited President Biden.  What we saw was AMLO showing his constituents that he could stand up to President Biden while Biden took everything in like a gringo on a guilt trip.

According to NPR, President Biden got an earful from AMLO:

During a meeting with Mexico's Andrés Manuel López Obrador, Biden at turns smirked, grimaced, fidgeted, and took notes as the Mexican president launched into remarks that went on for more than half an hour.

It got so interesting that AMLO reminded President Biden that gas is cheaper in Mexico.  I don't think he said it was subsidized, too.  AMLO took a shot at the president's adversaries.  I'm not sure if AMLO was talking about the GOP or the American people who oppose the mess on the border.

In the end, the president of Mexico told the president of the U.S. that he needs visas for his people.  At no point did Biden ask AMLO why so many people need to look for work north of the border.

Most of us will forget this meeting, especially now that new inflation figures came out.  AMLO won't forget the meeting.  He snubbed the president of the U.S. at the Latin American summit and now jokes about adversaries.  AMLO won this round because he is a fighter and Biden is not.

PS: Check out my videos and posts.

Image: Pixabay.

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