One nation snuffs out freedom wherever it finds it

Once upon a time (1972), Richard Nixon and Henry Kissinger wanted to pull ahead of the Soviet Union in that era's Top Dog Superpower Dog Race.  They came up with a strategy to weaken the USSR — call it the "Sink the USSR Plan" — by seeking a new alliance with Communist China.  This strategy seemed bold and exciting.  Doubters and anti-communists in the USA were told that Sino-American trade would benefit both countries and that exposure to America would lead to democratizing China.  Looking back from 2022, it now appears that Nixon and Kissinger made a Faustian bargain.

In fairness to Nixon and Kissinger, the Sink the USSR Plan did weaken the USSR, which collapsed in 1991.  I fear, though, that the plan may also sink the USA.

The rise of the Chinese Communist Party since 1972 is undeniable.  As it has risen economically and militarily, the Chinese have studied us and discovered the great Achilles heel of America.  Our Achilles heel is greed.  American politicians and business leaders seeking to build personal fortunes have taken all the money from the CCP they can get.  The CCP wants influence in America, and it has found many Americans willing to take its money.

The steady rise of China had a hiccup from 2017 to 2021.  Campaigning on a Make America Great Again theme, Donald Trump, a businessman and political outsider, got elected.  Trump saw what the Chinese are trying to do to the world, and he gave China a hard time with his America First policies.  In response, the CCP rounded up its American allies to develop a plan to sabotage Trump.

Image: Nixon shares a toast with Zhou Enlai in 1972.  Public domain.

While the CCP (understandably) reveres Nixon and Kissinger to this day, it plans to dominate the world and discard the USA and all our silly notions about liberty, democracy, and free will.

Today, we have a president whose family has become rich from Chinese money.  Peter Schweizer, writing at the New York Post, reports that Biden and his family have collected $31 million from the CCP.  Biden has Chinese butter on his bread, and he will never upset the dairy that has been so good to him.

While I fear that the CCP has tremendous control over our capital in 2022, I am not claiming that all is lost.  Tucker Carlson is fighting from his Fox outpost.  Steve Bannon is fighting as well.  Donald Trump, with some presidential experience under his belt, sounds as though he may run again.  Governor Ron DeSantis, in Florida, is no friend to the CCP.

The CCP has a track record of suppressing democracy.  With its tanks, it rolled over brave students protesting for freedom in Tiananmen Square in 1989.  It has eliminated democracy in Hong Kong.  The Chinese are currently salivating over Taiwan.  They are control freaks who love snuffing out freedom wherever they find it.

The deal Nixon and Kissinger made with the Devil has globally unleashed a mighty demon called the CCP.  We need an exorcism before it is too late.

Ned Cosby is a regular contributor to American Thinker, is a pastor, veteran Coast Guard officer, and a retired public high school teacher.  His new novel OUTCRY is a love story exposing the refusal of Christian leaders to report and discipline clergy who sexually abuse our young people.  This work of fiction addresses crimes that are all too real.  Cosby has also written RECOLLECTIONS FROM MY FATHER'S HOUSE, tracing his own odyssey from 1954 to the present.  For more info, visit Ned Cosby.

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