The vile Twitterverse claims Anne Frank had 'White Privilege'

A decade ago, when I was in the Anne Frank House and Museum, I noticed how the "education" center had been taken over by relativism, with the Holocaust being subordinated to Muslims fearing (although not experiencing) prejudice after 9/11.  Five years ago, Marxists took over the Anne Frank Center for Mutual Respect in New York and turned it into a center dedicated to social justice for Blacks and Muslims.  Four years ago, the Anne Frank Fonds sold its rights to the New Israel Foundation, which calls for Israel's destruction.  And earlier this year, Whoopi Goldberg announced that the Holocaust wasn't about race.  Considering all that, should I be surprised that the anti-Semites on Twitter have now come to the point at which they declare that Anne Frank was a colonizer who had "White Privilege"?

You know me — context is everything, so here's the rundown of Anne Frank's life after Hitler was elected in 1933.  Anne's family lived in Germany, but when the Nazi party took over, her father moved them to Amsterdam, believing they would be safe there.

In 1940, Germany invaded the Netherlands and started imposing restrictions on Jews.  Almost exactly 80 years ago, on July 6, 1942, Anne's family of four, another family of three, and an elderly man moved into the Annex, an attic space behind an office building, where they lived in silence and darkness for two years.  In August 1944, they were betrayed and taken to Auschwitz.  Here's what happened, solely because they were Jewish:

The men were separated from the women, and Anne's father never saw his family again.  Anne, her sister, and her mother were stripped, shaved bald, tattooed, and put to work doing slave labor on rock piles.  After just a few months, the three women were starved and very ill.  In October 1944, Anne and her sister were shipped to Bergen-Belsen, while their mother died in Auschwitz.  Bergen-Belsen was even worse than Auschwitz on a daily basis because it had no organization whatsoever.  It was like something from the very depths of Dante's Inferno.

Image: Anne Frank.  Public domain.

In 1945, typhus spread through Bergen-Belsen.  At some point, Anne's sister became so ill that she fell from her bunk and died from the shock of hitting the floor.  Anne is believed to have died one day later.  Even before her sister's death, the starved Anne was already terribly ill.  No one knows exactly how or when Anne died, but it was a truly horrible death.

Of the eight people in the Annex, only Otto Frank survived.  When he returned to the Annex, he found Anne's diary, which he had published.  And of course, Anne Frank was only one of 6 million European Jews (many of whom had ties to Europe going back to Roman times) who died horrible, painful, grotesque deaths solely because they were Jewish.

With that in mind, it's time to contemplate the cesspool that is Twitter.  To its credit, TMZ exposed what's going on in the bowels of the Twitterverse:

Twitter is yet again proving it's the worst for bulk bad takes — this time, debating whether Anne Frank, who was hunted and killed by Nazis, had white privilege while alive. 🥴

You might've noticed the late Holocaust victim was trending Saturday, but finding out why is disheartening ... some, it seems, have floated an argument that Frank benefited from white privilege in Nazi Germany — an argument that is rightly being shot down left and right.

Unclear how this toxic discourse first started, but it seems to stem from a warped notion that Jews had the benefit of their skin color to go unnoticed in public, if only temporarily, during that bleak time in history ... while POC, historically, haven't been able to do so.

The theory is so twisted, and yet ... it's being defended by a select few on the bird app ... despite a vast majority of folks swooping in to bat down the rhetoric by noting that Jews were, in fact, seen and treated as an inferior race in an ethnic sense ... and that Anne Frank was murdered specifically because she was Jewish. Plus, she was in hiding!

There are two toxic ideologies ascendant in America today: leftism and its companion, radical Islamism.  (They're allies now; they'll fight for ultimate control once their war against traditional Judeo-Christian culture is gone.)  What you see on Twitter represents the nucleus of the worst kind of things to emerge from that intersectionalism.

(This post will give you information about the ongoing attacks against Anne Frank's legacy that I referenced in the first paragraph.)

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