Woke employee shown the door at Universal

Michael Lopez had a bad day at work when he declared a "personal day of mourning" over Roe v. Wade at Universal Music Group last week.

He claims he was too "devastated" to perform his job as a production coordinator and notified 275 employees (on his email chain) that they wouldn't be receiving his weekly "process reports" for upcoming releases — which they needed to perform their jobs.

A few employees sympathized with Lopez's emotional state, but H.R. proved less understanding.  Management was more concerned about the loss of productivity that had spread from one employee to 275 — who were now reading the production coordinator's "non-report" and reviewing the employee's deeply personal views on being "queer," being "brown," and "sticking up for abortion rights."

It was not certain as to whether Lopez was surprised to learn that his services would no longer be needed at the entertainment corporation.  He was relieved of his position.

Living in a woke bubble, Lopez failed to understand how the company could "expect us [employees] to be productive," for many of them were in "mourning due to the attack on people with uteruses in the U.S."

The dismissal did not prove to be a learning experience for Lopez.  Instead, he doubled down on his soapbox pronouncements.  "Just got fired..." he wrote on social media.  "So they're [management] letting you know where they stand on employees speaking out on politicians that support marginalization for folks like me."

Huh?  That's not what he was advised by management in a Zoom session — which he included in another lengthy email.  He was being terminated by the music group for not "performing his job, interrupting the productivity of 275 employees and demonstrating poor judgement."

Lopez admits he was concerned about H.R. shutting him out of his computer before having the opportunity to further politicize the incident.  "A brown queer person terminated during Pride month speaking [sic] I support of abortion rights — seems like that's exactly what America is all about right now."

The nature of the inflammatory post resulted in Universal management diverting from company policy that prohibits discussion on employee termination cases.  "We can say that what was posted on social media is inaccurate," said a company representative.  "UMG has a long record of support for women's issues," added the spokesperson.  "As we wrote to our US employees, UMG views reproductive health care as essential."

Lopez also experienced pushback from numerous readers on social media.  Many of those readers viewed his dismissal — after his "day of mourning" — as something that had nothing to do with the color of his skin or his sexual preference.

One LinkedIn user suggested Lopez was acting "entitled, lazy and obviously ignorant."  Things did not get much better for Lopez, with observations ranging from the former employee making himself "unemployable" to the suggestion that he "grow up."

More than one responder wondered about Lopez's lack of professional judgment and self-pity campaign.  "You are exhibit A of what is wrong about wokeness?  Wearing your sexuality and skin color on your sleeve as through there is a conspiracy against you is a complete farce."

Lopez chose to ignore the less-than-supportive remarks and merely thanked his readers for their "support," leaving himself safely ensconced in the confines of his bubble-wrapped world.

Image: Universal Music Group.

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