Biden is so bad, even Californians want to drop him

The Berkeley Institute of Governmental Studies conducted a poll with a very large sample size — 9,254 registered California voters.  They asked whether voters favored or opposed Joe Biden running again for president.  Overwhelmingly, Californians said, "No more Biden."  Their response was overwhelming in part because unaffiliated voters dislike him almost as much as Republicans do.  Even Democrats were, at best, lukewarm.  What is perhaps more interesting is the people California Democrats would prefer to see run in Biden's stead.

The poll was conducted in the second week of August, with a random sampling of over 9,000 registered California voters.  The results regarding Biden were unambiguous:

By a nearly two-to-one margin (61% to 31%) registered voters in California oppose Biden seeking a second term for President in 2024, with most of those opposed (41%) saying they are strongly opposed.

Republicans are overwhelmingly against the President running for a second term (87% to 9%), while the state's registered Democrats are evenly split, with 46% opposed and 46% in favor.  Among the growing segment of voters who are not affiliated with either of the major parties, two thirds oppose the President seeking re-election.

Image: A confused Biden hands Manchin his pen (edited).  YouTube screen grab.

Democrat politicians know this.  That's why Sheldon Whitehouse openly, explicitly ducked a question about Biden running another campaign:

All of this reflects reality.  Biden is a puppet who is periodically given some pep pills so that he can go out and read speeches.  Even in this brief clip from his signing the New Green Deal Inflation bill, you can practically see the people standing behind him pulling the strings:

Everybody knows that Biden is incapable of running, so the real question is, what do you do when your party's president is a lame duck after only one term?  The same poll asked the Democrat respondents whom they'd like to see run for president in 2024.  The answers were interesting.

Kamala Harris, who ought to be the heir apparent, came in third place.  The problem with bypassing the barely popular Kamala, as Larry Elder has made clear, is that Black women, a fervent Democrat demographic, are not going to be happy to see the first female vice president, who also happens to be Black(ish), get sidelined.  The only other Black woman on the list is Stacey Abrams, and she comes in at a very low eighth place.

Bernie Sanders, who will be 145 years old in 2022 (and I exaggerate only slightly), comes in ahead of Kamala, at second place.  The man has never held a job, has never met a totalitarian socialist government he doesn't love, and knocked millionaires off his hate list the moment he became one.  Hillary Clinton has also accused him of being sexist, which is believable if you've read his early writings.  Amazingly, he's probably not radical enough for today's new leftists.

Speaking of Hillary, she's still on the list, with California voters ranking her at number seven, before Stacey Abrams, and after Elizabeth Warren (she of the tragically missing penis).  Placing ahead of all three of these harridans is Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez.  Don't discount AOC.  As Robin Itzler has written, buffoons have achieved power before and abused it terribly.  AOC is telegenic, passionate, and crazy, making her the triple-threat.

Also on the list are Pete Buttigieg, a master of fried air (that is, greasy, unctuous, pompous, and meaningless speech), Cory "I am Spartacus" Booker, Gretchen Whitmer, Amy Klobucher, and a few other names that people taking polls recognize, although they probably couldn't tell you why.

But who's on top?  None other than California's own Gavin Newsom (who is also Nancy Pelosi's nephew by marriage).  While Newsom may be popular in California or, at least, have strong name recognition there, it's hard to imagine him getting broad support across America.  His energy policies have resulted in the state having rolling blackouts, and crime is rampant across its biggest cities.  Newsom also imposed on California some of the most draconian COVID restrictions in America.

Before Biden erased our southern border, Newsom boasted that the state was home to at least 10 million illegal aliens, to whom Newsom has extended almost unlimited welfare benefits.  Unlike Newsom, most Americans don't see that as a good thing.

For a long time, California has been kept afloat by three things: Silicon Valley, Hollywood, and real estate.  With the recession, those pillars may well collapse and, with them, any hope Gavin Newsom has of convincing Americans that they should vote for him because he can do for America what he did for California.

(Check out the poll results to see how all the potential candidates' support breaks down along age, racial, and geographic lines.)

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