Bill Gates reinventing the wheel — just to push more vaccines

Malaria remains a leading cause of mortality throughout developing nations, but instead of tried-and-true eradication methods, Bill Gates is once again pushing Big Pharma concoctions.

According to the World Health Organization (an entity with which Gates is closely aligned):

The WHO African Region carries a disproportionately high share of the global malaria burden. In 2020, the region was home to 95% of malaria cases and 96% of malaria deaths. Children under 5 accounted for about 80% of all malaria deaths in the Region.

Even in light of those facts, the WHO also published data showing that death by malaria is "falling significantly" across low-income countries — which certainly includes the aforementioned "African Region."

Of course, the elimination of malaria is a noble pursuit, and fortunately, it's been done many times over.  In fact, the WHO compiled a list of 101 sovereignties that are "malaria-free" — either with or without interventions, and definitively, 99 of those achieved eradication without the "assistance" of a vaccine.  The current tools to tackle malaria have proven successful, cost-effective, and safe.  On the other hand, Amsterdam-based science journalist Jop de Vrieze wrote:

The biggest concerns, however, are about the vaccine's safety. In the largest trial, children who received Mosquirix had a risk of meningitis 10 times higher than those who received a control vaccine. ... [T]he possible risk worried the global health community so much that, rather than rolling out the vaccine across Africa, the World Health Organization (WHO) has decided to set up a pilot in Malawi, Ghana, and Kenya in which the vaccine will be given to hundreds of thousands of children.

If there are economical and harmless options, why is Gates pushing for a drug with such unpredictability, especially in children?  Could his obsession with population control be a factor?

During the delivery of a TED Talk in 2010, Gates said of population:

The world today has 6.8 billion people, that's headed up to about 9 billion. Now if we do a really great job on new vaccines [emphasis added], healthcare, reproductive health services, we could lower that by perhaps ten or fifteen percent.

If vaccines weren't part of the population control agenda, Gates wouldn't mention the need for vaccines when discussing stifling population growth. In the same breath, he also mentions "reproductive health services" — a euphemism for slaughtering babies during abortion, and an effective tool to curb family growth.  The Institute for Population and Reproductive Health, a leading global advocacy group for unfettered abortion (particularly in Africa), is a Gates enterprise.  Gates and his wife have a long and established donor relationship with Planned Parenthood, which time and again has been caught targeting minority populations.

Given the facts, it's not surprising that Gates's vaccine and abortion endeavors focused on non-white demographics.  Any "health" initiative pushed by a man who so flagrantly discusses his desire to diminish global populations by any means necessary is an initiative to avoid at all costs.

Image: Bill Gates, ENERGY.GOV via Wikimedia Commons, Public Domain

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