Carrying water for the Democrats

The mainstream media — the broadcast and cable networks and the major newspapers — do nothing but carry water for the Democrats (Fox News excepted).  They don't try to hide it anymore.  In fact, they not only overlook every Biden and Democrat misstep, screw-up, and crime, but actively promote the excuses and cover-ups, making it easy to fool the public.

In truth, today's media are the cover-up.

When my son got back from Afghanistan, he used an expression I had never heard before: "Don't believe what you see or hear.  Believe what I am telling you."

I knew instantly what he meant.  It perfectly expressed what watching today's ultra-liberal national news is like, reporters and talking heads alike.

It's not just the fake coverage of the deadly summer of 2020 riots.  It's everything: COVID, Russia collusion, violent crime, chaos at the open southern border, and parents complaining about school curricula being labeled domestic terrorists.

The Hunter Biden story there.  Biden never talks to Hunter about his business dealings, Trump's a Russian asset, the Steele dossier is legitimate, no funny business in the 2020 election.  Mankind only has until,,, just 12 more years to stop climate change.  The media cover up for the Democrats, even serving as their agents provocateurs.  They hide or twist real news and promote leftist narratives to the point of inciting hatred against anyone who opposes them.

After the FBI Trump raid was roundly condemned by many, the liberal mainstream media talking heads were calling them neo-Nazis, fascists, right-wing extremists, racists, and white supremacists.

Make no mistake: this is not a coincidence, not night after night.  It is part of an arrangement the media have with the Democrats.  This administration (and Obama's before it) knows it can count on them to carry its water.  They are this establishment's P.R. agency.

For a country that once had a somewhat independent and diverse media, it's sickening.  And now, as if the totally one-sided news media were not enough, the all-pervasive social media companies are proving to be even worse — silencing those they don't agree with and canceling anyone who flouts their narratives.  More subtly, Microsoft Word's review function automatically checks for "inclusiveness."

It's the new reality: men can have babies, countless genders roam the earth, whites are evil, and 30-plus heavily armed FBI agents are needed to arrest a single Trump ally in the middle of the night.  CNN will be there to document the whole operation.  Does everyone get the message?

Turn it off and cancel your subscriptions.  They are not purveyors of news or reality.

Image: MrPoitas.

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