Joe Biden's absolutely disgusting vote-piling scheme

Oh, how disgusting this administration is — and Biden personally.  A $300-billion giveaway to his constituents — in truth, a bribe — right before the midterms.  It's unfair, corrupt, and wrong on every level.

The recipients of this largesse owe thousands upon thousands for the college educations they felt would benefit them personally.  They are owed nothing.  The students who worked, scrimped, and saved to pay for college or pay back their loans get nothing.  The parents who did the same get nothing.  How about the young people who joined the military to pay for some or all of their college educations?

Enterprise, hard work, frugality, service, and savings are not rewarded.  They are, in colloquial terms, dissed, as are those who chose the path of personal responsibility.

Honest, hardworking taxpayers get screwed once again, especially the working-class folks who don't go to college to practice their livelihoods.  But Harvard-educated elites who still have loans are sure to line up for a hand-out.

Biden and the Democrats get rewarded with the adulation of the ruling class and liberal media, votes and more contributions, maybe even election victories. Republicans who resist or complain are cast as demons of the right, enemies of those deserving government assistance.  Colleges and universities are incentivized to keep their prices high and their Democratic lobbyists with pockets of money working hard in Washington.  That all paid off big time.

Meanwhile, the nation takes another hit to its already ridiculous deficit, and hard pressed consumers get even higher inflation.

But that's not all.  Our constitutional government, already reeling from one Biden trespass after another, takes another one on the chin.  Even a high school student knows that the president doesn't have the authority to do this.  Big spending decisions are the province of Congress.  Even Democrat speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi said so once on camera.  But that was before Biden waved his royal blue hand and made the Constitution disappear, levying on his own a huge tax bill and sending the Treasury Department presses into overdrive.

The biggest irony here is that Biden, Pelosi and the rest of the liberal Democrats constantly claim they are the party of democracy, the very ones trying to save America from Trump and the right wing's abuse of executive authority.  Think again.

As Biden and his deceitful autocrats pander to their elite constituency, recall the Scottish philosopher Alexander Tytler, who pointed out over two hundred years ago that democracies "can only exist until the majority discovers it can vote itself largesse out of the public treasury."

In this case, there wasn't even a majority or an electoral mandate — just one reckless, corrupt politician and his corrupt party.

Image: PublicDomainPictures via Pixabay, Pixabay License.

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