Unhinged leftists decry the construction of an ocean boardwalk

Just when you thought snowflakes couldn't be more absurdly fragile, news of a novel construction project on the New Jersey coastline is traumatizing certain members of the gay community.

Over 150 years ago, a group of Methodists established the town of Ocean Grove.  It is picturesque and quaint, and its sense of community and land ownership are quite unique — the religious association still owns all the land in town.  In this spirit, the Methodists launched a new construction project, which broke ground last month — they're building a new pier for the community after the destruction of the last one by Hurricane Sandy.

The pier will be in the shape of a cross, and despite the architectural practicality which allows extra square footage in different directions for maximum vantage points, leftists in the town are upset with the plan, denouncing the shape of the proposed structure as "bullying" and claiming that it is causing them harm.

One town denizen (a retired pastor, no less) referred to the rendering as "Christian bullying" and said, "I am so deeply concerned. ... And I am so concerned from [sic] my neighbors who are scared and bullied" (emphasis added).

Another, Shane Martin — who is himself a homosexual — made the following claim:

It's not just about me, there's [sic] other people being hurt. Once this pier is built like a cross, I believe that will be the point of a [sic] no return. ... To say that [a cross-shaped pier] doesn't represent Christian nationalism — anyone who says that isn't being honest.

Well, I'm not sure how Mr. Martin missed this, as he is also an attorney, but the American system of government is based upon values of Christianity and nationalism.  How can anyone possibly feel "bullied" or "scared" by such precepts like "treat others how you want to be treated" and "love your neighbor as yourself"?  And what about unalienable rights and a government constrained from obliterating those rights causes "hurt"?

It's just another example in the long litany of comical grievances that leftist whiners have with nearly everything.  What would these people do if they actually had to deal with a legitimately frightening situation, if a construction project for community renewal is menacing?

Image: Republica from Pixabay, Pixabay License, free for commercial use, no attribution required

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