Unvaccinated teachers face pay cuts in Australia

In the Australian state of Queensland, hundreds of teachers face incremental pay cuts over the next 20 weeks for refusing to obey at mandate to receive COVID vaccination.  News.com.au reports:

An "unconscionable" letter has been sent out advising teachers in Queensland that they will have their pay docked if they haven't got the Covid-19 vaccine.

Education Department assistant director-general in human resources Anne Crowley penned a letter telling hundreds of teachers who refused to get the jab that they would face incremental pay cuts over 20 weeks.

It came after all unvaccinated teachers in the state were placed under investigation for failing to comply with a direction from the Education Department and were suspended without pay from December 2021.

This appears to be contrary to the Public Service Act, which holds that in the case of non-criminal investigations, a teacher must be suspended at full pay, according to The Courier-Mail newspaper of Brisbane.

Human resources assistant director-general Crowley apparently believes she is being merciful:

[Y]ou will notice that the disciplinary action I have determined to impose is lesser than that proposed.

"Your conduct in failing to comply with the direction posed a risk to the health and safety of your co-workers, students and members of the public which was mitigated only by the steps taken by the department to suspend you from duty."

Location of Queensland in Australia.

No mention is made of the fact that vaccines currently do not stop the spread of COVID, as evidenced by the repeated infections experienced by the fully vaxxed and boosted Biden and Fauci of the United States.  Nor does AD-G for Human Resources Crowley appear concerned that forcing experimental drugs on unwilling subjects violates the Nuremberg Code.[i]

–"Permissible Medical Experiments." Trials of War Criminals before the Nuremberg Military Tribunals under Control Council Law No. 10. Nuremberg October 1946 – April 1949, Washington. U.S. Government Printing Office (n.d.), vol. 2., pp. 181-182.

  1. The voluntary consent of the human subject is absolutely essential.

Moreover, the teachers have been working for two years since the mandate, already, and no mention is made of transmission of COVID to students anywhere in the State of Queensland.  Needless to say, docking the pay of unvaccinated teachers would do nothing to stop the spread of the virus, it would only serve to punish teachers.

It seems a matter of medical bullying, a temper tantrum of an unelected human resources bureaucrat.  And it will only aggravate the teacher shortage in Australia:

The letter comes amid an Australia-wide teacher shortage, forcing the government to rethink strategies to attract skilled university graduates to the classroom.

Hat tip: John McMahon.

Graphic credit: WikipediaCC BY-SA 3.0 license.

[i] Note this absurd propagandistic "fact check" from FactCheck.org, which claims that because the forced vaccinations are not being labeled "an experiment" by those imposing it, the involuntary use of experimental drugs does not violate the Nuremberg Code.  Orwell And Lewis Carroll live on.

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