An exciting change is coming to American Thinker

When Thomas Lifson launched American Thinker in 2004, his model was a traditional morning newspaper that had all its content in place simultaneously once a day. Eighteen years later, that model no longer exists on the internet. Readers around the world look for news and opinion 24 hours a day. To meet that demand, American Thinker will now publish posts on a 24-hour-a-day cycle.

You’ll find this approach familiar because it’s how other popular conservative sites work. However, as we have done for 18 years, when it comes to the five to six long-form articles published daily on the left side of the site, we will continue to update them once a day, in the morning. For all other content, please check in regularly to see American Thinker’s latest posts.

Under the new system, there may be more posts per day than show up on the home screen. Therefore, if you don't check in regularly, remember to click on the More Blog Entries button to make sure you haven't missed any posts.

Image: YouTube screen grab.

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