Exploding cases of STIs exhibit conservative cowardice in the Culture Wars

American institutions are entirely dominated by leftist combatants — academia, government, media, education, medicine — despite the majority of the public not holding leftist views.  Undeniably, these political assailants are assaulting us from all sides: Vanderbilt's new profit-driven "transgender" program, school curricula that play fast and loose with the truth, political persecution from the literal Department of Justice, and the list goes on ad nauseam.

So what happened?

In general, political conservatives in this country have many unfavorable reputations, and as far as I can tell, none of them holds true to the character of the conservative movement — we're not actually racists, or bigots, or fascists, or whatever other unfounded malignant moniker they sling at us.  However, there is one reputation unendowed, and that's the profound degree of cowardice and apathy.

Jesse Kelly, a political pundit known for his sharp wit and unabashed principle, hammers on this point quite frequently:

In the tweet above, Mehmet Oz, the candidate up against John Fetterman in Pennsylvania, was referencing a letter campaign showing support for the proposed (and deceptively named) Respect for Marriage Act.  According to Liberty Counsel, one of the leading nonprofits that supports conservative and evangelical Christian values from a legal angle, writes:

This bill will codify same-sex marriage and will make marriage and the biological fact of male and female genders legally unrecognizable, even as it gives cover to every other perversion of marriage, including polygamy and pedophile 'child bride' marriages.

In 2010, Oz hosted a "transgender" children segment on his talk show, which GLAAD described as "some of the best nationally televised conservations about gender identity" — the GLAAD organization "rewrites the script for LGBTQ acceptance" and "tackles tough issues to shape the narrative and provoke dialogue that leads to cultural [emphasis added] change."

Clearly, he's no conservative.

The LGBT agenda is, by definition, socially liberal — it's not conserving traditional values whatsoever.  So why is Oz now running as a Republican, claiming to represent conservative ideals?

Well, as Kelly said, "the GOP can't grab its ankles fast enough."  Mainstream Republicans skulk away from conflict, then tout their cowardice as "civility" — and it's shameful.  They agree with the communists — "Judeo-Christian values have no place in a secular society" — and couldn't be more wrong.

There is no such thing as a cultureless society.  When conservatives stand down, opposing forces fill the void.

As biblically reverent conservatives withdrew, depravity advanced.  In the 1950s, Alfred Kinsey sexually abused children under the guise of science; in the 1960s, Christian prayer was removed from schools, and the sexual "liberation" of women began; in the 1970s, child sacrifice became federally sanctioned, all because it was sanitized with the word "abortion."

Now participation in "hookup culture" is to blame for skyrocketing rates of sexually transmitted infections and diseases.  The situation has been described as "out of control":

Infections rates for some STDs, including gonorrhea and syphilis, have been rising for years. Last year, the rate of syphilis cases reached its highest since 1991 and the total number of cases hit its highest since 1948. HIV cases are also on the rise, up 16% last year.

And an international outbreak of monkeypox, which is being spread mainly between men who have sex [sic] with men, has further highlighted the nation's worsening problem with diseases spread through sex.

As blogger Don Surber said, members of the "hookup culture" are "slowly learning why society was so 'uptight' about sex" and even offered some novel solutions:

How about teaching abstinence in school?

How about promoting fidelity in marriage and other relationships?

How about doing what worked?

Yes, turns out these ideas aren't so novel, but clearly evocative of Judeo-Christian ethics.  Rampant homosexuality, sexual "liberation," and the sexualization of children are all symptoms of conservative cowardice.

This nation was born out of Judeo-Christian principles.  The writers of the Constitution certainly didn't establish a standard of morality from the oppressive parameters of the Koran, or the wickedness of The Communist Manifesto, but rather the timeless truths of the Ten Commandments.  It's time we start acting like the Jesse Kellys of the conservative movement rather than the Mehmet Ozes.

Image: Free image, Pixabay license, no attribution required.

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