Maybe the 29th time is the charm

Just how many times does a criminal have to prove to authorities he is a danger to society before they take him seriously?  In Washington State, we know that it is at least 28 times.  It may wind up being more, given that Washington is a leftist bastion where the government was willing to essentially turn over part of Seattle to violent anarchists.

Earlier this month, a 911 call came in saying a 25-year-old woman had been sexually assaulted.  The caller provided a description of the suspect.  When police located an SUV connected with the assault, the driver, Maygag Warsame, drove off, attempting to escape.

Seattle police pursued and ordered him to pull over, but he wouldn't.  He hit several parked cars as he tried to escape, which only added to the charges he would face.  "Fortunately, no one was injured from his erratic driving, which ended by him crashing the SUV into a parked car," Law Enforcement Today reported.

Warsame hit the final car, a Subaru owned by Kody Kratz, so hard that the Subaru jumped the curb.

Kratz saw the accident happen and said, "Went to go check what was going on.  [It] looks like he climbed out of his vehicle in some high-speed chase.  [He] got onto his hood, started to back up his windshield to get like onto his roof.  One of the cops jumped up on the tire, grabbed him [and] pulled him down from his vehicle.  Cops swarmed him.  Just grabbed him a bunch.  No real fighting or anything like that or chance of it escalating," Kratz said.

Warsame was booked into the King County Jail.  It wasn't his first time there, either.  Not only had he been arrested before, but Warsame had been convicted 28 times previously.  "Notable among the past charges: four counts of assault, robbery, theft and burglary too.  Warsame has spent time in courtrooms across Puget Sound.  He's appeared in King and Thurston counties and in Kent, Tukwila and Renton municipal courts," according to KIRO.

With such a long record of convictions, why was this man still on the street?  Was it because he had served his time for his crimes, or was it that he hadn't ever faced a real penalty for his dozens of convictions?

"Actually ... it's Seattle, so no mystery there as it's known for it's [sic] light on crime position. That is biting Seattle in the a-- with recent skyrocketing crime.  And now a young woman has been allegedly sexually assaulted because of it," according to Law Enforcement Today.

The investigation is still ongoing, and bail has been set at $750,000.  This will probably keep him in jail for a time, but for how long?  Even if he can't post bail, does anyone believe that a man who has been convicted 28 times and continues to commit increasingly violent crimes fears a 29th conviction?

Unlikely, unless a judge and jury throw the book at him.

Once again, it's Seattle, so it's unlikely to happen.  Warsame is more likely to get a 29th conviction and get released with time served.

It also means he is likely to go on committing crimes, with the only lesson he learns being that he can get away with it.

Meanwhile, deep blue Washington state will continue to vote for politicians who keep trying to do everything to fight crime except fight crime.

Michael A. Letts is the CEO and founder of In-VestUSA, a national grassroots non-profit organization helping hundreds of communities provide thousands of bulletproof vests for their police forces through educational, public relations, sponsorship, and fundraising programs. 

Image: DPP Law.

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