Virgin Atlantic bows down before the gender ideologues

I flew on Virgin Atlantic only once, several years ago. I hated the experience. The pilot flew the plane well, the flight attendants responsibly handed out and collected food and drinks, the seats were no more cramped than usual, and the restrooms functioned. What made me completely uncomfortable about the experience was that the plane’s interior was bathed in an ugly purple light that made it look like a sleazy bar in a run-down casino in Vegas. Now that Virgin Atlantic has embraced gender madness, my imagination has added the word “gay” in between “sleazy” and bar.”

Per the Washington Times:

The company announced its updated gender identity policy in a Tuesday press release, which will let LGBT employees of the airline choose between the bright red blazer and skirt formerly donned only by its female employees or the dark burgundy suit and tie that its male staff had worn exclusively before.

“It’s so important that we enable our people to embrace their individuality and be their true selves at work,” Juha Jarvinen, Virgin Atlantic’s chief commercial officer, said in the release. “It is for that reason that we want to allow our people to wear the uniform that best suits them and how they identify and ensure our customers are addressed by their preferred pronouns.”

Image: Some of Virgin Atlantic’s cross-dressing flight attendants. YouTube screen grab (cropped).

The madness doesn’t stop there. Staff can wear pronoun badges, and even passengers can get those little badges when they check-in for their flight or use the Virgin Atlantic lounge. Passengers can also use their imaginary identities when buying tickets. According to a poll in the UK, allowing people to express themselves makes everyone happy.

I have my doubts about this claimed happiness. If I see a bearded man in a dress behind the controls of the airplane, I’m going to start wondering whether he’s one of the so-called transgender people with a much higher suicidal ideation than the general population. Suicidal airline pilots are a really bad idea. And if you look at the people profiled in Virgin Airline’s proud announcement video, I don’t get happy vibes. I get narcissistic and weird vibes:

When I buy tickets, I usually try to get the cheapest flight possible. So far, since my long-ago experience in the sleazy lounge that was a Virgin Airlines flight, Virgin Airlines has never been the cheapest flight. Now, though, even if it’s the cheapest to my destination, I’m picking a different airline. I’ll feel safer traveling with a different airline, one that has employees expressing themselves less and focusing on their work more. 

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