A bad day for Jim Crow

I'm sure you remember the story of Jim Crow II, or the voting law passed in Georgia.  This is the same one that got MLB commissioner Robert D. Manfred, Jr. to move the 2021 All Star Game from Atlanta:

Over the last week, we have engaged in thoughtful conversations with Clubs, former and current players, the Players Association, and The Players Alliance, among others, to listen to their views. I have decided that the best way to demonstrate our values as a sport is by relocating this year's All-Star Game and MLB Draft.

So the game was moved to Denver, and countless black-owned businesses in Atlanta lost money.  (We should remind that the Braves won the World Series later in October, so God does have a sense of humor.)

Well, Jim Crow II finally met a judge, and it was not a good day, according to Jonathan Turley:

Remember the law that President Biden called "Jim Crow on steroids"? 

An Obama appointed judge just upheld the law in a challenge brought by a Stacey Abrams affiliated group after finding no constitutional violations.

Jim Crow met the U.S. Constitution again, and the Constitution won!  Another bit of demagoguery is put to rest, and the truth prevails.

Do you wonder what that lady who claimed that the election was stolen in 2018 thinks of all of this?  An Obama judge has just revealed what a fraud Stacey Abrams is!  She's been claiming vote suppression and reviving Jim Crow, but a judge said no.

A bad day for Jim Crow, Stacey Abrams, and the race card!  When does Commissioner Manfred submit his resignation or issue an apology?

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Image: Barbara Jordan Forum 2012 via Flickr.

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