Biden's dementia song

Were the fate of the free world not in the hands of this man, the setting of Joe Biden's many dementia moments to a catchy tune would be hilarious.  Actually, it still is hilarious despite the awful reality underlying it.  This is a brilliant satire that is also self-evidently accurate.

Whoever came up with the tune, the selection of clips, and the electronic means of making Biden's voice follow the music did a wonderful job.  It is so catchy that it is staying in my mind, with the chorus, "My mind's going blank now" repeating endlessly, a political earworm of devastating impact.

There is no effective response to the memorable evidence of the unfitness for office on display here.

Listening requires only a few seconds beyond two minutes:

Hat tip: Lauri B. Regan.

Photo credit: Twitter video screen grab.

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