Did I see the fall of America?

Willing duplicity and complicity of organizations to undermine the Constitution is amazing to me.  When I first read Orwell's 1984 in high school, I considered it to be farfetched in the U.S.  Yet here we are.

Lincoln's prophecy has come to pass.  The U.S. will fail from the inside.  Now I recognize that Orwell was sending a shot across the bow.  Most readers thought the nemesis was symbolized by the Soviet Union.  The real nemesis was the opposite left-leaning ideology and hatred of the founding of the U.S.

About twenty years ago (circa 2000), I had an epiphany — a mental picture of the continental U.S. supported by massive columns, each with a label such as the self-righting Constitution, the Bill of Rights, freedom, liberty, justice, equal treatment under the law, strong military, equality of opportunity...all the wonderful aspects of this country that others will make a dangerous journey to get here.  And these columns were founded on impervious and indestructible rock.  On top were prosperity, happiness, safety, kindness, tolerance, acceptance, abundance, industriousness.

Then I perceived of laborers in hardhats (maybe demons?) — labeled hatred, indifference, ignorance, laziness, jealousy, envy, deception, bland denial of the truth, covetousness, apathy, false ideologies, debauchery, and especially The Administrative State — with unabated zeal chipping away at these pillars and being cheered.  They were imperceptible at first.  But now they have multiplied into a swarm like locusts devouring the land. 

Look how much damage these "workers" have done in the last twenty years since my perception — or was it a premonition?  The lesson is that there is no perfectible human system, no matter how hopeful, elegant, or mighty, that will resist man's urge to covet, steal, pillage, or destroy.  A material Utopia will never exist, no matter how much the left promises this.

This story has been repeated throughout history, leading to uniform misery.  It appears we are bound to follow the same path of self-destruction.  To reiterate Lincoln's proverbial comment, America will never fall from without due to an invasion; she will fail from within...by self-mutilation, self-will, self-justification, and self-love.

Image via Good Free Photos.

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