Franklin Roosevelt was an election denier!

Well, it turns out that, in 1928, the all-time hero of the Democrat Party, Franklin Delano Roosevelt, was an election denier! He now joins the list of prominent Democrats from the 2000, 2004, and 2016 elections who tried to have their legal teams threaten our Democracy by challenging election results. By 2020, however, any questions about voting machine reliability and/or tampering were strictly off-limits regarding the 2020 election. Those who made the argument were branded “election deniers” or even sued.

In 1928, FDR suspected election fraud in 1000 districts in upstate NY because their results were too slow in being reported. Sound familiar? He sent 100 lawyers to the districts in question to investigate. Allegations of election fraud occur in both parties, but of course, the Mainstream Media focuses heavily on its accusations against the GOP. Until I happened upon the 1928 FDR story while doing other research, I had never heard about FDR’s claims of fraud in that gubernatorial election.

Image: Franklin Roosevelt—election denier! Public domain image.

Roosevelt sent 100 Democrat party attorneys to upstate New York for the stated purpose of investigating election fraud due to the unusual length of time it took to report the results for tabulation. Since FDR was one of the shrewdest politicians in U.S. history, one could argue that FDR was trying to intimidate upstate election officials, most of whom were much more conservative than the downstate/New York City elite who backed Roosevelt.

Image: Newspaper article from the Democrat and Chronicle (Rochester, NY), November 7, 1928.

In the 21st century, Roosevelt became the standard for the Democrat party. The Republican National Committee has compiled an extensive list of Democrat election denial. Most involve current high-profile Democrats in Congress and their operatives. The level of hypocrisy shown by these politicians (including many connected to the January 6th Committee) is astounding, even for this class of people. This video provides a sense of modern Democrats in action:

In 2000, a NY Times story revealed that lawyers for Democrat candidate Al Gore questioned a designer of disputed punch-card machines and got him to admit that the devices used in Miami-Dade County and elsewhere can malfunction and fail to properly record a vote.

In 2004, DNC Chair McAuliffe and Voting Rights Institute Chair Donna Brazile announced a comprehensive investigative study on election practices in Ohio. Again, there was no outcry from the MSM that the Democrats were endangering our democracy by doing this.

In 2016, the election in which Hillary Clinton miscalculated and dropped the ball in a massive electoral failure, she was projected to win in a landslide by nearly every major media outlet. When it became apparent that she would come up short and Donald Trump would be the president-elect, the Left experienced a collective meltdown unrivaled in American history:

We all know the subsequent electoral shenanigans in which Hillary’s campaign team, specifically Robby Mook and John Podesta, subsequently engaged. The book Shattered, by Jonathan Allen and Amie Parnes, succinctly describes how Russian election interference was pitched to the news media:

Soon after Clinton’s defeat, top strategists decided where to place the blame. “Within 24 hours of her concession speech,” the authors report, campaign manager Robby Mook and campaign chair John Podesta “assembled her communications team at the Brooklyn headquarters to engineer the case that the election wasn’t entirely on the up-and-up. For a couple of hours, with Shake Shack containers littering the room, they went over the script they would pitch to the press and the public. Already, Russian hacking was the centerpiece of the argument.”

Looking back at FDR’s machinations in his 1928 gubernatorial election, I submit that he was the father of modern Democrats’ election manipulation and process-rigging. If the Republicans retake the House and/or the U.S. Senate, they would be wise to highlight FDR’s 1928 use of Party attorneys in his effort to “circumvent our democracy” as DNC officials have repeatedly said. FDR was the master of these political games, and it’s apparent that his successors in the Party have learned his lessons well.

Michael A. Bertolone, M.S. is a freelance writer in Rochester, NY. His other articles can be found at American Thinker and Substack.

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