I can’t stop laughing at the Babylon Bee’s latest video

Whether it’s making accurate predictions about the future or holding up a mirror to today’s wacky American culture, you really will not find a better outlet than the Babylon Bee. In September, the Bee introduced to America a very woke California couple that relocated to Texas and struggled to accept the Texas culture. They’re back again and even funnier than they were the first time.

The original California to Texas video debuted on September 13. It instantly become the most-watched Babylon Bee video, eclipsing even the stellar Spelling Bee video that, since June, garnered 2,131,797 views as of this writing. That’s because the original California to Texas video, in just three weeks, managed to get 2,145,452 views. To appreciate the new video, I suggest you watch the original because they’re best taken in order:

I’m not giving a big joke away when I say that the California couple decided that Texas wasn’t the place for them—and I suspect that’s where the joke was supposed to end. There would be one video with a nice wrap-up. However, given the soaring popularity of Mr. and Mrs. California, the Bee really had no option but to commit Mr. and Mrs. California to life in the heart of Texas.

This time, the Californians are at a good old Texas barbecue, once again trying to come to terms with the strange cultural habits of normal Americans. I am not exaggerating when I say that, watching the video, I laughed until I cried. I was still giggling uncontrollably after the video ended and I turned to the keyboard to write this post.

By the way, after two days, the new California to Texas video has already had 609,104 views. At this rate, it’s going to eclipse all the other Bee videos, and deservedly so. The others made me laugh but this one...well, if you’ve already watched it, you know what I mean.

And do remember that, in the words of Saul Alinsky, “Ridicule is man’s most potent weapon. There is no defense. It is almost impossible to counterattack ridicule. Also it infuriates the opposition, who then react to your advantage.” Additionally, again from Saul Alinsky, “A good tactic is one your people enjoy.” The Babylon Bee nailed it. If Alinsky were a conservative, he’d be so proud of the Bee.

Image: A Texas barbecue. YouTube screen grab.

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