Indo-Canadian novelist explores near-future dystopia

The author T.K. Kanwar lives the Canadian Dream, and he lives it in peace. As a second-generation Indian Canadian, he’s never admonished for his race, nor excluded from opportunity. On the contrary, he’s free to love and advocate for his people.

So why rock the boat when he could quietly live a life of opportunity and splendor? If anything, Kanwar might bolster his status by preaching the evils of white racism, the oppression of Black and Brown People.

Many do.

Not Kanwar.

For whatever reason, he dares to notice reality. Not only that, he’s dared to write a bold and based novel spotlighting the dangerous absurdities steamrolling what’s left of the western world. In Identity Crisis, dual protagonists Sam and Jennifer navigate respective journeys through dystopian wokeness and civilizational decline in Canada and America.

Like Kanwar, Sam’s a successful Canadian man of Indian descent. He works for a large cable sports channel and relishes the fruits of life. However, (also like Kanwar) Sam’s a noticer. He notices hellish subway rides and skyrocketing crime. He recognizes his formerly idyllic way of life is rapidly vanishing.

It wasn’t always like this. Sam fondly recalls a charmed childhood. Memories of Christmas and hockey playoffs and the magical run of his beloved ’92 Blue Jays. More than that, he remembers a Toronto that was safe and clean and high‑trust. It wasn’t long ago.

Meanwhile, Jennifer’s a white liberal New Yorker steeped in Critical Race Theory. She’s so hellbent on saving the world from whiteness, she’s devoted her life to the cause. However, as Clown World intensifies, she encounters the inevitable contradictions of being simultaneously white and anti-white. She begins to question her devotion to a cause that has no place for her.

Spanning a 30-year period culminating in 2031, we witness momentous upheavals in the duo’s personal lives against the larger backdrop of society’s downward spiral. For Sam, the final straw is the unjust firing of his best friend, a white guy. For Jennifer, it’s the savage beating of her white boyfriend -- you can guess by whom.

The novel cleverly intertwines truthful observations -- otherwise known as sanity -- via the Jordan-Petersonesque Dr. Nolan. Taboo issues like anti-whiteness and destructive immigration are fearlessly explored. We’re reminded that immigration without assimilation was once a known danger -- guarding against it was a mainstream position. Nowadays, the very point of immigration seems to be not only non-assimilation but utter destruction of community.

The writing and characterization in IC are strong and I appreciated the overriding sense of authenticity -- a rarity in pop culture these days. My only criticism is, perhaps Kanwar doesn’t go far enough. He paints a grim picture of the future -- a post-western anti-white hellhole replete with legislation that puts South Africa’s BEE to shame -- but presents no viable solutions.

Perhaps the problem is, there are no solutions -- at least not political ones. Electing conservative governments simply means slower decline. Me, I’ve come to doubt the viability of democracy for multicultural societies. Don’t forget, we live in a world where the only permissible mention of whites is vilification -- who they are, everything they’ve ever done. Until I hear mainstream politicians referencing white people positively -- not even Trump dared – why think differently?

It calls to mind a fundamental question for the modern-day West -- is a content-of-character meritocracy possible? Or do we inevitably gravitate to blind racial allegiance and lust for vengeance against whites. The latter feels more likely every day, especially when the fiercest anti-whites always seem to be white.

Still, the existence of men like Kanwar is a white pill. It’s refreshing to hear an Indo-Canadian lament the loss of western ways. Even more refreshing that he acknowledges and expresses grave concern over the toxic anti-white zeitgeist we’re living through. Again I ask, why would Kanwar rock the boat when the status quo is so appealing? I’d say he realizes personal gains are short-term, and that society’s pursuit of progressive absurdity will ultimately kill the golden goose.

I applaud his courage. Stories change hearts and minds and Identity Crisis certainly sets out to do that. An entertaining and deeply significant read. Definitely worth a look.

K.M. Breakey is the author of Shout the Battle Cry of Freedom, and six other novels. He can be reached at ‘km @’

Image: Endgame Press

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