Kari Lake has the media's number

Just as Donald Trump stripped the veneer off the pathological lying mainstream media from a businessman’s perspective, GOP Arizona gubernatorial candidate Kari Lake is destroying the MSM propagandists who have peppered her with ‘gotcha’ questions since she announced her candidacy for the office. Lake, who worked in the media for 30 years, knows all the tricks and traps practiced by the modern version of the fourth estate

Yellow Journalism has a long history in the United States, but with the advent of social media, it has been put on steroids. Kari Lake is well-equipped to perform intellectual jiujitsu with the propaganda arm of the DNC. She successfully fended off a false-premise ‘election denier’ question and left the media with egg on their faces.

I have several personal experiences with the deceptive practices of my hometown news media. One particularly egregious example was when I submitted an op-ed piece regarding affirmative action to my local newspaper. The opinion page editor was an African American middle-aged man who described himself as a civil rights activist who also happened to be a journalist. He ‘edited’ the piece to his liking, in an attempt to portray me as a far-right racist running for office in a deep-south KKK district.

The editor never even gave me a courtesy call or email to get my approval for these major changes to the content and tone of the piece. To run that piece in its edited form without my approval was unethical, and I contacted him and expressed my strenuous objection. His reaction was, in effect, that he couldn’t care less.

Image: Kari Lake. YouTube screengrab.

Not surprisingly, his newspaper’s circulation has sharply declined over the years as the readership is tired of ultra-woke propaganda peddled as ‘objective journalism.’ The same goes for our local television news stations, where many of the stories have a racial/gender discrimination angle. If a Republican appears in the story, they are almost always cast as a villain.

The MSM still don’t get the appeal of Trump, Lake, Rand Paul, Ron Johnson, and other Republicans who have shown that they don’t fear reporters and their liberal slant. They have gone toe-to-toe with these DNC stooges and come out on top. If only other officials in the GOP would take a similar tack, most midterm races wouldn’t even be close. And that’s what Democrats fear.

Michael Bertolone, MS is a freelance writer in Rochester, NY. Read his other pieces at American Thinker and Substack.

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